The Kingdom of the Cults Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Walter Martin
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 107 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Kingdom of the Cults Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Walter Martin
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 107 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Theosophy __________________________________.
(a) bollows the doctrines from the world's major religions
(b) combines the basic doctrines of Christianity and Judaism
(c) accepts the basic Christian doctrines
(d) rejects the basic Christian doctrines

2. According to Jehovah's Witnesses, hell, the place of fiery torment ___________________________.
(a) Does not exist
(b) Receives all non-members
(c) Exists
(d) Is a concept from the Bible

3. The Unitarian Universalist Church resulted from a merger of the Unitarians and Universalists in what year?
(a) 1950
(b) 1945
(c) 1959
(d) 1843

4. To the Christian Scientist, the Trinity represents _________________________________.
(a) the basis of the Christian Science faith
(b) polytheism
(c) the reason for the existence of Christian Science
(d) equality among Father, Son and Holy Spirit

5. The Baha'i World Faith is an offshoot of _____________.
(a) Buddhism
(b) Hinduism
(c) Islam
(d) Shintuism

6. The Stake High Council consists of ________________________-.
(a) the First Presidency
(b) ten high priests
(c) all priests
(d) twelve high priests

7. The term which describes Christian Science is ________________________.
(a) body science
(b) unity science
(c) mind science
(d) brain science

8. Which doctrine is usually defined by cultists?
(a) Values
(b) hell
(c) The Trinity
(d) The reason for existence

9. What are the two advantages of the cultist regarding the use of redefinitions?
(a) Surprise and logic
(b) Anger and confusion
(c) Surprise and confusion
(d) Surprise and anger

10. Spiritism is __________________________.
(a) is a melting pot of cults
(b) not in existence anymore
(c) a relatively new cult
(d) one of the oldest forms of religious cult

11. Rutherford accused Christians of _______________________.
(a) Creating sects
(b) Ignorance
(c) Religious intolerance
(d) Heresy

12. The Watchtower uses term switching in regards to ________________________.
(a) The definitions of the Trinity
(b) The definition of hell
(c) The definition of personal values
(d) The definition of God

13. Christian Scientists believe that hell is _________________________.
(a) the place where all non-members go
(b) a temporary holding place
(c) made by the sinner who does evil
(d) a place of fire and brimstone

14. Spiritists believe ____________________________________________-.
(a) that the afterlife is whatever each spirit chooses to make it
(b) in the existence of Hell
(c) in communication with Satan
(d) in the existence of Purgatory

15. Why is it important to be knowledgeable about Christian doctrine?
(a) To develop a value system
(b) To be better educated
(c) To be able to spot the flaws in the logic of cults
(d) To be able to argue logically

Short Answer Questions

1. Scientology promises to help the follower achieve well being in all but one of the following areas:

2. Which of the following is not a plane of the universe?

3. The founder of Scientology had been ____________________________.

4. The Jehovah's Witnesses are headquartered in ____________________________.

5. Christian Science members had to circulate and sell the works of Mary Baker Eddy or ________________________.

(see the answer keys)

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