The Kingdom of Matthias Test | Final Test - Medium

Paul E. Johnson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 105 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Kingdom of Matthias Test | Final Test - Medium

Paul E. Johnson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 105 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What did the letter from Isabella Laisdell to the judge say?
(a) That she wanted her father to forgive her.
(b) That she wanted her father prosecuted.
(c) That she wanted a restraining order against her father.
(d) That she forgave her father for beating her.

2. How did Elijah try to have Charles abandon his wife Isabella Laisdell?
(a) He killed him.
(b) He beat him.
(c) He gave him money.
(d) He offered him a job.

3. What was Benjamin Folger trying to salvage after Matthews took over his estate?
(a) His and Elijah's business and reputations.
(b) His old church.
(c) His marriage.
(d) His friendship with Elijah.

4. When did Elijah cut his allowance to Matthews?
(a) April 1835.
(b) April 1839.
(c) April 1831.
(d) April 1833.

5. What was Matthew's legal team able to do during the trial?
(a) Rebut every piece of evidence.
(b) Attack the prosecution in the paper.
(c) Tear the prosecution apart.
(d) Tear the witnesses apart.

Short Answer Questions

1. What did Matthews say to the police when they interrogated him in "The Downfall, Parts 5 through 8"?

2. Who became cozy with Matthews in Mount Zion?

3. When did Elijah die?

4. What was Elijah depressed about?

5. How much money did Benjamin Folger give Matthews on the pretext of establishing a new Kingdom in the west?

Short Essay Questions

1. What did Matthews claim to be the Spirit of?

2. Why did the Thompsons join the Kingdom and then leave shortly after?

3. What did Catherine confess a vision confirmed in "The Downfall, Parts 1 through 4"?

4. Why did penny press editors complain according to the "Epilogue"?

5. What did Isabella Van Wagenen change her name to and what did she become?

6. What tradition continues to the present day according to Paul E. Johnson?

7. Where was Matthews reportedly seen after his time at Kirtland?

8. What did Isabella Laisdell swear when she appeared on the stand?

9. What happened to Benjamin and Ann Folger after the trial?

10. What did Matthews turn Mount Zion into?

(see the answer keys)

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