The King Must Die Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The King Must Die Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What angered Poseidon?
(a) Theseus dishonored him.
(b) Theseus' father kept Theseus' name out of the drawing.
(c) Theseus' father dishonored him.
(d) Theseus' father put Theseus' name in the drawing.

2. What does Theseus name their bull?
(a) Asterion.
(b) Ariadne.
(c) Herakles.
(d) Corinth.

3. Who does Theseus watch at the bull fight and decides she is human?
(a) Moon Goddess.
(b) Earth Goddess.
(c) Sea Goddess.
(d) Spirit Goddess.

4. How did the queen of Crete treat her son when he was young?
(a) He was liked but not favored.
(b) He was ignored but not treated badly.
(c) He was held dear by his mother.
(d) He was treated as an outcast and told he was nasty.

5. How do the people of Crete treat Theseus and his kinsmen when they arrive?
(a) They are nervous and shy.
(b) They are prodded and pinched like cattle.
(c) They are applauded and followed around the city.
(d) They are mocked and ridiculed.

Short Answer Questions

1. What happens when Theseus and his kinsmen are allowed to watch the bull dance?

2. What does Theseus' father want to do for Theseus' birthday?

3. After Theseus and his kinsmen have practiced and before they are ready for their dance, who comes to check on them?

4. When the man threw the item into the sea on the day that Theseus arrived, what was that a symbol of?

5. What disease afflicts the king of Crete?

Short Essay Questions

1. Explain what happens to make Theseus force the cranes to renew their vows to each other.

2. Evaluate how much Theseus has grown as a leader in Crete.

3. Describe an incident in Crete where Theseus shows compassion.

4. Explain what Theseus does that makes Ariadne cry in Book 4: Chapter 7.

5. Define the relationship between Theseus and the cranes.

6. Evaluate Theseus' feelings after taking the king's life.

7. Describe what Theseus and the cranes do to cause a scene when they arrive at Crete.

8. Analyze the differences between Theseus and Asterion.

9. Describe how Theseus is hurt during a bull dance.

10. Describe the House of the Axe and how Theseus feels about being there.

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