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Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. What is the name of the watchman on the night patrol?
2. What type of plane is used to transport the new soldier?
3. The character is scheduled to fly into which country?
4. What is the name of the radio officer?
5. How many hits are made by Downs?
Short Essay Questions
1. Describe the others at the camp, including Downs' meetings with other soldiers and superiors.
2. Explain Downs' first friendly encounter with the Vietnamese villagers.
3. Downs comes to what realization during this time?
4. Describe the area around the base camp and how it is different than Downs expected.
5. What happens shortly after the mine-sweeping crew is on the job?
6. What difficulty do the soldiers have when it comes to landing the helicopter? What is the solution to the problem?
7. Describe the scene when Lt. Frederick Downs arrives at the airfield for the first time.
8. Explain the arrival and presence of Fouel. What is the opinion of the Americans on the Cho-Hui?
9. Who gives Downs details about his destination? What does the man say?
10. What is Downs' rank? Where does Downs go on his first assignment?
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
Downs was among a long line of other soldiers wounded in the line of duty. Examine and discuss various types of wounds that are mentioned in the book. How were the majority of the wounds inflicted? What is the standard treatment of a non-serious wound? What is the standard treatment for a potentially fatal wound? Who attends to the soldiers when they are wounded? How common is it for doctors to be present and to take care of the wounds? When doctors are not around, who performs the work?
Essay Topic 2
Downs is disgusted by the behavior of the ARVN soldiers. Explain why Downs was so angry. Was that kind of behavior common for a trained and experienced soldier? Explain. Do you think Downs was truly concerned about the ARVN hurting his platoon? What might have happened if a soldier had been hit by the shots fired over the heads of the platoon members on patrol? Do you think the shooting would have been covered up or would the ARVN soldier be exposed? What might happen to the soldier if caught?
Essay Topic 3
Interview someone who served in Vietnam and write a 1000 word essay on the experience and how it affected the soldier's life. Be sure to include any traumatic events, real or imagined as well as post traumatic stress, involvement with the VA, and life before and after the war.
This section contains 854 words (approx. 3 pages at 300 words per page) |
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