The Key to Midnight Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Key to Midnight Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Peterson tell Alex and Joanna will happen now that the parties involved are all dead?

2. Who is Rotenhausen?

3. Where does Carrera find Alex after Alex escapes from him?

4. What does Carrera do to the woman who is at his house?

5. How does Joanna feel that day?

Short Essay Questions

1. Who does Joanna find when she goes to look for Alex? What does she learn from him? What theme might be suggested by the encounter?

2. What bad decision does Rotenhausen make and how does Joanna use it to save herself?

3. Why did Peterson do what he did and what theme does it touch upon again?

4. What happens to Joanna and Alex when they arrive in St. Moritz? What does Peterson have to do with it and what might a reader be wondering at this point?

5. In terms of narration what do you think Chapters 60-70 do?

6. What does Inamura use to free Joanna of the compulsion?

7. How might a reader respond to what is going on with Alex and what is the evidence to suggest that Alex and Joanna are being manipulated?

8. How does Alex feel about the inn where they stop and what does it make him wonder? What type of theme might his situation bring up?

9. What else do they discover while Lisa is under hypnosis?

10. Who is Peterson and how was he involved in the entire situation?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Alex is clearly smitten with Joanna, and when he asks her to have lunch with him, it makes it seem to the reader that a romance might be in the air, touching on one of the themes of the novel.

1. Discuss what evidence you have seen thus far of romance being one of the themes in this book. Use examples from the book to illustrate your answer.

2. Alex has watched Joanna on stage for a few nights and is "smitten" with her. Does this seem realistic? Why or why not?

3. Alex being smitten with Joanna would seem to be like someone falling for an actor or actress in a movie. Are they falling for a real person or the person that is being portrayed in the part? Discuss this concept with examples to support your opinion.

Essay Topic 2

Alex realizes he has seen Joanna before. She was a kidnap case he worked on. The chances that Alex would end up in the city where this woman has been hiding out for twelve years seems to be astronomical, tipping the reader off to the idea that something may be at work here that is not completely clear at this point.

1. Do you think Alex ending up in a city half way across the world and walking into a lounge where the singer is the woman he had looked for ten years earlier is a stretch of the imagination? Why or why not?

2. After researching narrative contrivance explain, with examples of why you think the above situation may or may not be one.

3. Discuss a remarkable coincidence that has occurred in your life, in the life of someone you knew or one that you heard or read about. Include in your discussion why it might illustrate the saying: "Life is stranger than fiction."

Essay Topic 3

Alex and Joanna read the newspaper clippings about Rotenhausen. They learn that Rotenhausen is a brilliant scientist who developed a brainwashing technique that was considered revolutionary. However, Rotenhausen lost popularity and government support when he suggested the techniques should be used to control entire populations.

1. After researching the term "hackney" discuss why the caricature of a brilliant, but insane scientist could be considered hackney. Use examples from the text to support your answer.

2. Many books, especially in the science fiction genre have been written on controlling the population of the world. Discuss why a government or individual would want to control the population.

3. Discuss, in depth, what human rights would be violated with population control and why it is not a moral idea.

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