The Keepers of Truth Test | Final Test - Hard

Michael Collins (Irish author)
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 113 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Keepers of Truth Test | Final Test - Hard

Michael Collins (Irish author)
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 113 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Ronny ask for receipts?

2. Who threatens Bill in chapter 14?

3. Why does Diane want to come see Bill?

4. Who does Bill go to see at the end of chapter 12?

5. What is "The Book of Wants?"

Short Essay Questions

1. List the items Bill is instructed to bring to Ronny during the beginning of the hostage situation in chapter 15.

2. Describe how Bill reacts after finding Ronny Lawton's father's head in the bunker.

3. Explain what Walter thinks of the Ronny Lawton situation.

4. What offer does Ronny Lawton make to Bill over and over about his estranged wife? What is Bill's response?

5. How does Lucas get treated when he misbehaves in chapter 10? What does he do wrong?

6. What is the relationship like between Bill, Sam, and Ed by chapter 12? How do they treat each other?

7. Describe what Ronny's estranged wife's boyfriend is like.

8. How has Bill and Pete's relationship changed by chapter 13?

9. How does Bill feel about his unfolding destiny by the end of the story?

10. Describe Walter and his profession.

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Retirement and death are reoccurring themes in The Keepers of Truth. Ed and Sam are both older men who see themselves retiring in the near future. What goes unsaid between them is how death is an inevitability that is always lurking nearby.

Write an essay exploring the ideas of retirement and death as seen through the eyes of Ed and Sam. What do these men think about it? Do they fear becoming old, useless, and forgotten? How do their feelings impact their characters throughout the story? Reference the novel to support your opinions.

Essay Topic 2

Bill has very strong feelings about his family history. He does not hide any detail when he recalls the series of events that lead up to his father's death.

Judging by Bill's past psychiatric history, and that of his family, is it possible that he may come to an end similar to that of his father? Write an essay that explains the answer to this question and how it contributes to the novel. Does it contribute to the plot, character, foreshadowing, or something else? What evidence in the book is given to support or negate this assumption? Reference the novel to support your argument.

Essay Topic 3

Failing to get into law school had a great impact on Bill's life after college. He feels that he has failed in some aspect of his life because of this.

Write an essay that explains his motives behind studying for the LSAT test again. How does he use studying as an excuse to escape the real life responsibilities he has? By the end of the story does studying for the LSAT test have any result that impacts his life? Reference the novel to support your argument.

(see the answer keys)

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