The Kagero Diary: A Woman's Autobiographical Text from Tenth-century... Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Edward Seidensticker
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Kagero Diary: A Woman's Autobiographical Text from Tenth-century... Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Edward Seidensticker
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
Buy The Kagero Diary: A Woman's Autobiographical Text from Tenth-century... Lesson Plans
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. With what is Fujiwara dissatisfied amid his wives' struggles to prove to him their worth?
(a) His status as an adulterer.
(b) His health.
(c) His son.
(d) His promotion.

2. What was MM's fear after she learned of her husband's affair with his first wife?
(a) She was to become a servant.
(b) Her marriage was never legitimate.
(c) Her marriage was over.
(d) Her child would be taken away from her.

3. What favor did Fujiwara ask MM to do for his first wife?
(a) Cook her dinner.
(b) Pray for her.
(c) Sew baby clothes.
(d) Help her in childbirth.

4. When she was looking back on her courtship with Fujiwara, what did MM admit doing when she currently saw him?
(a) She cried.
(b) She grew happy.
(c) She grew angry.
(d) She became sick.

5. In this book, for what does MM stand?
(a) Moritoku's Mother.
(b) Miniyaka's Mother.
(c) Mary's Mother.
(d) Michitsuna's Mother.

Short Answer Questions

1. What did MM and Fujiwara play at the Gosechi Festival?

2. Why was Fujiwara not allowed to touch his wife when she was ill?

3. After mourning for a year, what did MM and her family purify?

4. What river did MM cross to reach the object of her pilgrimage?

5. What did Fujiwara suggest that MM should do if she was dissatisfied with him as a spouse?

Short Essay Questions

1. How did Fujiwara's illness improve his relationship with MM?

2. How did Fujiwara's promotion affect MM?

3. What happened when Tokihime had another child with Fujiwara?

4. Describe MM's offerings to the shrines and to the prince.

5. What was the significance of MM giving birth to Michitsuna so quickly after her marriage?

6. Into what was MM thrust upon her return from her pilgrimage?

7. Why did MM realize Tokihime had lost favor with Fujiwara?

8. How did the death of the prince benefit Fujiwara?

9. How did Fujiwara justify his actions to MM in his letter to her?

10. Why did MM write to Tokihime?

(see the answer keys)

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