The Kagero Diary: A Woman's Autobiographical Text from Tenth-century... Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Edward Seidensticker
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Kagero Diary: A Woman's Autobiographical Text from Tenth-century... Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Edward Seidensticker
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What did Fujiwara suggest that MM should do if she was dissatisfied with him as a spouse?
(a) Become a better wife.
(b) Become a nun.
(c) Leave the village.
(d) Find another husband.

2. For what did Fujiwara instruct MM to prepare when she returned from her pilgrimage?
(a) Chanoyu.
(b) Hinamatsuri.
(c) Genpuku.
(d) Purification Ceremony.

3. How did MM realize that Fujiwara was not spending much time with his first wife?
(a) Fujiwara was out of the village.
(b) Fujiwara had become ill.
(c) She was trying to win him back as well.
(d) His first wife had other lovers.

4. Who was in the box next to MM and Fujiwara at the Gosechi Festival?
(a) MM's father.
(b) His first wife.
(c) Their future daughter-in-law's family.
(d) The Prince.

5. What distressed MM most about her ten years of marriage to Fujiwara?
(a) She only had one child.
(b) She had neglected her religious duties.
(c) She was still not his favored wife.
(d) She was no longer an artist.

6. How old was MM when Fujiwara begins to court her?
(a) 19.
(b) 18.
(c) 17.
(d) 20.

7. What was MM's fear after she learned of her husband's affair with his first wife?
(a) She was to become a servant.
(b) Her child would be taken away from her.
(c) Her marriage was never legitimate.
(d) Her marriage was over.

8. What cruel practice does Fujiwara make with his first wife that hurts MM more than anything in the early days of his relationship with both of them?
(a) He told everyone MM was Tokihime's servant.
(b) He flaunted his child with Tokihime.
(c) He told everyone Michitsuna was Tokihime's son.
(d) He rode past his house with MM with Tokihime.

9. What did MM enjoy watching most of all in Uji?
(a) Rain.
(b) The priests in ceremony.
(c) The children.
(d) Fishing boats.

10. What did Fujiwara enjoy sending MM in the early days of their courtship?
(a) Sake.
(b) Flowers.
(c) Letters.
(d) Poetry.

11. What did MM and Fujiwara play at the Gosechi Festival?
(a) Tiles.
(b) Chess.
(c) Backgammon.
(d) Tennis.

12. How did Fujiwara describe his ongoing relationship with his first wife to MM?
(a) Casual.
(b) Angry.
(c) Serious.
(d) Lustful.

13. Who kept MM awake one night during her pilgrimage?
(a) The Prince.
(b) A blind man.
(c) A priest.
(d) A poet.

14. What ceremony did the Prince celebrate with Fujiwara and MM?
(a) Obon.
(b) Genpuku.
(c) Hinamatsuri.
(d) Chanoyu.

15. What words did MM's child begin to repeat after hearing his father say it repeatedly?
(a) "See you later."
(b) "You are no good."
(c) "I am more than you need."
(d) "I am leaving now."

Short Answer Questions

1. For how many days was Fujiwara seriously ill?

2. What kindness did Fujiwara show for MM after the loss of her loved one after ten years of marriage?

3. Why did Fujiwara leave home after he became ill?

4. In the event of his death, for how many months did Fujiwara request MM mourn before remarrying?

5. Who stayed in the same apartment building as MM by the palace?

(see the answer keys)

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