The Jugurthine War Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Jugurthine War Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why did the society of the Libyans and the Getulians change?
(a) The Persians move into the area.
(b) Rome took it over.
(c) They united under one leader.
(d) They started fighting with each other.

2. With whom does Jugurtha make friends when he is fighting for Micipas?
(a) Micipas's sons.
(b) Masinissa.
(c) Julius Caesar.
(d) Some prominent Romans.

3. Who is the heir the the Numidian throne after Jugurtha?
(a) Cintia.
(b) Flavio.
(c) Masiam.
(d) Gauda.

4. What does the Senate decide to do about Adherbal's request?
(a) To arrest Jugurtha.
(b) To investigate Micipas's decree.
(c) Divide Numidia between him and Jugurtha.
(d) To send a Roman governor to Numidia.

5. What group of people founded Hippo?
(a) The Persians.
(b) The Greeks.
(c) The Phoenicians.
(d) The Romansm.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Sallust say is how Europeans view Africa?

2. What does Jugurtha begin to do after he decides not to surrender?

3. What does Metellus do with his soldiers when he retreats?

4. What does the Senate decide is the reason Bocchus fights with Jugurtha?

5. What does Annuis finally do after speaking with Jugurtha?

Short Essay Questions

1. How does the Senate respond to Jugurtha's action towards Adherbal?

2. How does Metellus handle Jugurtha's ambush and what does he do after the first encounter with Jugurtha?

3. How do the Romans finally arrest Jugurtha?

4. What does Jugurtha tell his army and what do they do?

5. What does Sallust say is the reason he is writing The Jugurthine War book?

6. How does the Roman public react to Marius and Metellus's falling out?

7. What happens as fear spreads through Numidia?

8. What does Adherbal do when he runs to Rome and how does that work out for him?

9. What does the Senate have Metellus do after he is elected and how does Sallust describe Metellus?

10. What does Metellus do with Bohumilcar?

(see the answer keys)

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