The Jugurthine War Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Jugurthine War Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is Manilos doing in Etrupia?
(a) Assassinating the officials there.
(b) Raising food for an army.
(c) Getting the poor people on Catiline's side.
(d) Governing the district.

2. Who do Catiline's followers plan to lure to the city gate?
(a) Cato.
(b) Crassus.
(c) Cicero.
(d) Tarquinious.

3. What is Cicero told to do about the Catiline situation?
(a) Call for a vote in the consulars.
(b) Nothing.
(c) Kill Catiline.
(d) Prevent damage to the Commonwealth.

4. What does Catiline plan to do with Cneuis Piso?
(a) He plans to have him marry his daughter.
(b) He plans for him to be Vice Consul.
(c) He plans to assassinate him.
(d) He plans for him to take over the two Spains.

5. Where is Lucuis Tarquinious arrested?
(a) At the city gates.
(b) When he is at the public baths.
(c) On his way to Catiline.
(d) When he comes out of his house that morning.

6. Where does Petreius first attack Catiline?
(a) On the right flank.
(b) On the left flank.
(c) Down the center.
(d) From the rear.

7. Who does Sallust say Piso treated harshly?
(a) Catiline.
(b) The Barbarians.
(c) The Spanish.
(d) Cicero.

8. What happens to Cneuis Piso?
(a) He breaks his leg.
(b) He is murdered.
(c) He is sent to Russia.
(d) Nothing happens to Piso.

9. When did greed take over society, according to Sallust?
(a) When the empire was too old.
(b) When the prince's died in battle.
(c) When Catiline took over.
(d) When the empire became too big.

10. What surprises Petreius about Catiline's attack?
(a) He is not surprised by anything in Catiline's attack.
(b) How weak it is.
(c) How tactically correct it is.
(d) How aggressive it is.

11. Where does Cicero work?
(a) In the merchants' section of Rome.
(b) The Senate building.
(c) At the Roman Court.
(d) The solicitation Consul's house.

12. What is Cicero having a difficult time doing related to Manilos?
(a) Getting good intelligence.
(b) Getting his permission to marry his sister.
(c) Finding him.
(d) Convincing him to be on Cicero's side.

13. With what does Sallust say his ancestors built great empires?
(a) With a desire to control people.
(b) With brute strength.
(c) With intellect.
(d) With brute strength and intellect.

14. Into what type of family was Catiline born?
(a) A family from another country.
(b) Poor.
(c) Slave family.
(d) Wealthy.

15. With whom does Quintus Curius have a relationship?
(a) Shaphia.
(b) Penelope.
(c) Sieria.
(d) Fulvia.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where does Catiline tell the Senate he is going because of the accusations against him?

2. What does Sallust say is one of the main differences between Catiline and Cicero?

3. What does Catiline promise the people in question #55 if they help him?

4. What does Catiline plan to do about Cicero?

5. Why does Jugurtha easily bribe members of government?

(see the answer keys)

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