The Joke Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 109 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Joke Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 109 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. According to Ludvik, what is the one good feature about newspapers?
(a) The uses for leftover newspaper.
(b) They make no noise.
(c) The journalists.
(d) They spread the news.

2. How did the children help the unknown girl?
(a) They left her food in different places.
(b) They told adults where to find her.
(c) They trapped her with food and beat her.
(d) They left her food in the same place every day.

3. What is engraved on the silver pendant Helena wears?
(a) Stalin.
(b) A star.
(c) The Kremlin.
(d) A heart.

4. Who teaches Lucie about Christianity?
(a) Ludvik.
(b) Marketa.
(c) Jaroslav.
(d) Kostka.

5. How many boys were in the game from Lucie's childhood?
(a) Four.
(b) Six.
(c) Ten.
(d) Two.

6. Kostka reveals how he feels about Ludvik. What does Kostka call Ludvik?
(a) His best friend.
(b) His idol.
(c) His mentor.
(d) His adversary.

7. Even though Ludvik senses Helena is ready to consummate their affair, he decides to take his time. What do they do first?
(a) Read poetry.
(b) Drink more rye.
(c) Played cards.
(d) Drink vodka.

8. What instrument did Ludvik play when he was a schoolboy?
(a) A trumpet.
(b) A clarinet.
(c) A violin.
(d) A guitar.

9. What is the narrator doing when part four begins?
(a) Working.
(b) Writing.
(c) Daydreaming.
(d) Eating.

10. How long ago did Jaroslav's father die from the beginning of part four?
(a) One year ago.
(b) Three weeks ago.
(c) Four months ago.
(d) Two years ago.

11. Why did Lucie spend time with the gang from her childhood?
(a) She didn't have anyone else.
(b) She loved one of the members.
(c) Her parents died.
(d) She was head of the gang.

12. Who leads a traditional Moravian wedding?
(a) The bride.
(b) The groom.
(c) The witness.
(d) The patriarch.

13. How far back does Jaroslav trace his beloved music back in history? Where do the musical roots begin?
(a) Ancient Greece.
(b) Genghis Kahn's armies.
(c) Egyptian Pyramid culture.
(d) The Hungarians.

14. What honor is given to Vladimir in part four?
(a) He wins a motorcycle race in Brno.
(b) He breaks a school record in track.
(c) He is voted to the Youth League.
(d) He is appointed King of the festival.

15. Why did Kostka's fellow Christians dislike Communism?
(a) It fosters greed and dishonesty.
(b) It is an atheistic system of government.
(c) It makes people work for a living.
(d) It is immoral.

Short Answer Questions

1. What was the narrator of part five doing just before the narration begins?

2. Who gave Helena the pendant she wears?

3. What does the narrator of part five have for breakfast before meeting Helena?

4. What kind of headstone marked the grave of Ludvik's mother?

5. Who discovered where the unknown girl was spending her nights?

(see the answer keys)

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