The Jewish War Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 98 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Jewish War Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 98 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What happened to Flavius Josephus when he appealed to the people of Jerusalem?
(a) He was hit with a stone.
(b) An arrow was shot at him.
(c) He fell off his horse.
(d) Boiling water was thrown at him.

2. Where was Josephus, according to Section 6?
(a) In Jericho.
(b) In Jotapata.
(c) In Rome.
(d) In Syria.

3. Where did the people of Jerusalem think Josephus died?
(a) Rome.
(b) Jotapata.
(c) Jericho.
(d) Jerusalem.

4. Who was commanding the Roman 10th Legion?
(a) Silvius.
(b) Vespasian.
(c) Claudius.
(d) Trajan.

5. What does Flavius say John had enough of, after his taking over the Holy Gates?
(a) Gold.
(b) Weapons.
(c) Men.
(d) Provisions.

6. What fortress did the new Roman legate secure when first arriving?
(a) Masada.
(b) Caesaria.
(c) Herodium.
(d) Pillo.

7. Where did the Romans promise not to fight?
(a) The Temple.
(b) Antonia.
(c) The Holy Gate.
(d) The lower part of Jerusalem.

8. How many prisoners did Titus send to Rome?
(a) 800.
(b) 900.
(c) 100.
(d) 700.

9. What was the biggest city of Antiochus's kingdom?
(a) Samosata.
(b) Sumerium.
(c) Quitium.
(d) Antigium.

10. What was Gamala thought to be?
(a) Too small for Romans to be concerned with.
(b) Too large for Romans to encircle.
(c) Too far from Roman supply centers.
(d) Impregnable.

11. Which of Jerusalem's residents saw their houses ransacked for food?
(a) Overweight residents.
(b) Nobleman.
(c) Widows.
(d) Soldiers.

12. How many prisoners did the Romans take in Jerusalem?
(a) 991,000.
(b) 99,000.
(c) 97,000.
(d) 77,000.

13. How long after Nero's death did Otho came to power in Rome?
(a) 8 months.
(b) 9 months.
(c) 7 months.
(d) 10 months.

14. What does Flavius say the rival factions in Jerusalem destroyed?
(a) The city's provisions.
(b) All hope of surrendering.
(c) The city water supply.
(d) The city's defenses.

15. What did Titus order built to bombard Jerusalem's defenders?
(a) Ballista.
(b) Catapults.
(c) Trebuchets.
(d) Towers on platforms.

Short Answer Questions

1. How many Jews were killed in response to the death of 12 Roman soldiers?

2. Who was below John's position over the Holy Gates?

3. How many died during the Roman capture of Jerusalem?

4. Who had previously burned the sanctuary down?

5. What province did the Romans fail to control, despite the taking of Jerusalem, in Section 10?

(see the answer keys)

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