The Jewel in the Crown Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Jewel in the Crown Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Lady Chatterjee say she was treated when Daphne Manners came to stay with her?
(a) No one seemed to care.
(b) She was applauded.
(c) She was teased.
(d) She was ignored.

2. When does Lady Chatterjee say Robert told her about his proposal to Daphne?
(a) After they learn of her rape.
(b) Before they learn of her rape.
(c) He doesn't tell her, but Daphne does.
(d) He doesn't tell her, but Hari does.

3. Sister Ludmilla says her mother always gave money to ____________.
(a) The arts.
(b) Nuns.
(c) Men.
(d) Herself.

4. What does Miss Crane do at the end of "Miss Crane"?
(a) Goes to sleep.
(b) Sells her car.
(c) Leaves the hospital.
(d) Packs up a picture.

5. What type of accent does Sister Ludmilla have?
(a) French.
(b) Irish.
(c) German.
(d) English.

Short Answer Questions

1. Lady Chatterjee compares the "Sanctuary" to _____________.

2. When Sister Ludmilla is interviewed, what does she first talk about?

3. What does Lady Chatterjee say her first impression of Miss Crane was?

4. What does Mr. Chaudhuri do to make sure Miss Crane is safe when she drives from Kotari and Mayapore?

5. What does Lady Chatterjee say made her husband special?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why is Miss Crane in India?

2. How does Lady Chatterjee reveal her character when she tells the story of visiting Miss Crane in the hospital?

3. What does "The Jewel in the Crown" mean to Miss Crane?

4. How does Miss Crane feel about the Indian people?

5. In "Sister Ludmilla," what does Sister Ludmilla reveal about Hari's relationship with Daphne?

6. In "MacGregor House," how is Daphne's relationship with Robert developed?

7. In "Miss Crane," what happens to the picture of Ghandi?

8. Why does Sister Ludmilla say Hari went with the police?

9. What is a suttee?

10. In "MacGregor House," why do some people avoid Lady Chatterjee?

(see the answer keys)

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