The Jesus I Never Knew Test | Final Test - Easy

Philip Yancey
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Jesus I Never Knew Test | Final Test - Easy

Philip Yancey
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who writes the poem that opens Chapter 12?
(a) Robert Frost.
(b) King David.
(c) Emily Dickinson.
(d) Robert Byrns.

2. Where does Jesus leave his teaching and life's journey?
(a) In a book that is now lost.
(b) On many stone tablets found in caves in 1947.
(c) In human beings.
(d) In song and verse.

3. What does Yancey think of what the church brings?
(a) It is all bad.
(b) He thinks the church should be destroyed.
(c) It is all good.
(d) Both light and darkness.

4. What did Martin Luther encourage his students to do?
(a) Turn the page when they got stuck.
(b) Become Buddhist and then convert back.
(c) Travel until they felt very lost.
(d) Flee the hidden God and run to Christ.

5. What did the 1st century Zealots want to do?
(a) Ascend into heaven.
(b) Fight the Romans.
(c) Leave and start a new country in Africa.
(d) Take over the religious life of the Jews.

6. What word is on the grandmother's tombstone under the live oak tree?
(a) Waiting.
(b) Invincible.
(c) Forever.
(d) Reversible.

7. What do the angels say to the disciples on the day of Ascension?
(a) "Fear not, the Lord is with you."
(b) "Hail, full of Grace, be at peace."
(c) "He is not here. He has risen."
(d) "Why do you stand here looking into the sky?"

8. Who were the first witnesses to the resurrection?
(a) John and Judas.
(b) The women who went to the tomb.
(c) Passing children.
(d) Apostle Paul.

9. What does Christos/Christ mean in Hebrew?
(a) Son of Man.
(b) Son of God.
(c) Christian.
(d) Messiah.

10. What temptation has the church faced since the time of Constantine?
(a) Having too much money.
(b) Being the morals police of society.
(c) Being too much a part of the mainstream powers.
(d) Supporting unjust regimes.

11. What three things does Jesus ask his disciples to do in memory of him?
(a) Pray, sing, write.
(b) Baptize, share last supper, wash feet.
(c) Read Bible, memorize verses, obey law.
(d) Do no harm, do not sin, and do not lie.

12. What miracle makes it into all four gospels?
(a) Healing the blind man.
(b) Feeding the crowd of 5000.
(c) Healing Jaipur's daughter.
(d) Raising Lazarus.

13. In Jesus's, day what were the Jews looking for?
(a) Biblical narrative.
(b) Military might.
(c) Scientific knowledge.
(d) The end time and a Messiah to save them.

14. How is God's kingdom different than a human kingdom, according to Yancey in Chapter 13?
(a) We can't know the answer to that.
(b) God is the king in his kingdom.
(c) It is bigger.
(d) It lives and grows on the inside of human beings.

15. What does Jesus do at the last supper that Yancey finds surprising?
(a) Gives a speech.
(b) Sits with Mary.
(c) Paints a picture of heaven.
(d) Washes his disciples' feet.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Yancey believe about the gospel of Jesus?

2. How often is the Most Holy Place entered by the High Priest?

3. How do the New Testament Jews refer to God?

4. Where does Jesus pray for hours before he is arrested?

5. In Chapter 14, why does Yancey say he is a Christian?

(see the answer keys)

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