The Italian, or, the Confessional of the Black Penitents Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Italian, or, the Confessional of the Black Penitents Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Schedoni reveal to Vivaldi at the end of the trial?
(a) Vivaldi's parents are to be killed.
(b) The meaning of life.
(c) He knows an escape route.
(d) He is Ellena's father.

2. What does the Marchesa believe changed Schedoni's opinion of Ellena?
(a) He has fallen in love with Ellena.
(b) A bribe from Vivaldi.
(c) A conversation with a priest.
(d) He has become mentally ill.

3. What information does the tribunal want from the mysterious monk in Chapter 28?
(a) The monk's identity and proof of his statement.
(b) Ellena's location.
(c) His religious beliefs.
(d) His hometown.

4. Who did the ancient servant that testified in the trial in Chapter 29 work for?
(a) The Count di Bruno.
(b) The Italian government.
(c) The Marchesa di Vivaldi.
(d) Vivaldi's uncle.

5. Who did Olivia correspond regularly with in Chapter 30?
(a) Signor Bianchi.
(b) Paulo, Vivaldi's servant.
(c) The Count di Bruno.
(d) The Marchesa di Vivaldi.

6. What does Ellena request from Spalatro?
(a) Her freedom.
(b) A lamp.
(c) A rosary.
(d) Food and water.

7. Why is Ellena overjoyed with Schedoni in Chapter 23?
(a) He cooks a fabulous meal.
(b) He writes her a song.
(c) He agrees to take her to Santa Maria dell Pieta.
(d) He gives her several gifts.

8. What does Schedoni instruct Spaltaro to do to Ellena in Chapter 20?
(a) Set her free.
(b) Marry her.
(c) Kill her.
(d) Make sure she has food.

9. What does the sentinel do when Vivaldi questions him about the visitor in his cell?
(a) Laughs harshly.
(b) Slaps Vivaldi in the face.
(c) He denies anyone was there.
(d) He says it was a ghost.

10. What causes Ellena to consider relinquishing the world to join the convent in Chapter 25?
(a) A chance to sing in their choir.
(b) Fear of abuse by Vivaldi.
(c) A letter Sister Olivia wrote her.
(d) Dismay at the Marchesa di Vivaldi's character.

11. What does the narrator say about Schedoni that would have made Ellena join the convent immediately if she had known the truth?
(a) A letter she received from him.
(b) His place in the hierarchy of the Church.
(c) He instructed her to serve God.
(d) His true character.

12. What does Ellena worry Vivaldi has done at the start of Chapter 30?
(a) Yielded to his parents' demands and forgotten her.
(b) Confessed her whereabouts.
(c) Been shipped to Jerusalem.
(d) Been placed in slavery.

13. In Chapter 19, what is Spalatro shocked to see Ellena do?
(a) Beg him for mercy.
(b) Smile at him.
(c) Attempt to escape.
(d) Rise out of bed.

14. How does Ellena feel about Sister Olivia of San Stefano in Chapter 25?
(a) She will soon die.
(b) She has a bitter hatred for her.
(c) She loves her most of all the nuns.
(d) She should leave the convent to marry Schedoni.

15. Whose trial is Vivaldi called to testify in, at the start of Chapter 29?
(a) His mother's.
(b) Nicola's.
(c) Schedoni's.
(d) Ellena's.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Ellena fear when she is visited by Beatrice in Chapter 30?

2. What realization does Schedoni come to that causes him agony and remorse?

3. What is the only way Vivaldi claims to know Schedoni in Chapter 28?

4. In Chapter 28, how are Schedoni and Father Ansaldo questioned?

5. What does the Marchesa di Vivaldi confess on her deathbed?

(see the answer keys)

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