The Island, by Athol Fugard Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 65 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Island, by Athol Fugard Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 65 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who is the old man, who started singing, which John remembers as being with them the day they met?
(a) Tembo.
(b) Sipho.
(c) Tatu Peter.
(d) Simbo.

2. What holiday was it the last time John was at St. George’s Strand?
(a) Independence Day.
(b) Good Friday.
(c) New Year’s.
(d) Christmas.

3. What did the Black prisoners yell to them when their van stopped at a gas station on the way to Robben Island?
(a) Work hard.
(b) Best of luck.
(c) Have courage.
(d) Run away.

4. Who does The State refer to in the play John and Winston are performing?
(a) Eteocles.
(b) Polynices.
(c) Hodoshe.
(d) King Creon.

5. Winston tells John that he wants to get tobacco for Sipho, who is in solitary again for what reason?
(a) Refusing to work.
(b) Fighting with his cellmate.
(c) Fighting with the guards.
(d) Complaining about the food.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does John react when he sees Winston dressed up?

2. How long ago did John and Winston meet?

3. What does John tell Winston upon his return from seeing Hodoshe?

4. Who is Winston dressing up as at the start of Scene Two?

5. Where does Winston receive a wound after being beat up in Scene One?

Short Essay Questions

1. What happens when the whistles sound while John and Winston are on the Island digging?

2. What does Winston resolve to tell John about Antigone when he returns to the cell in Scene Two?

3. What does John recall about the first day he and Winston met?

4. What does John say in regards to the audience potentially laughing at Winston?

5. How does John and Winston take care of each other in their cell after they have been beaten?

6. What do John and Winston say about their difficult day digging sand?

7. What reason does John give Winston for laughing at him when he saw him dressed as Antigone?

8. Describe John and Winston’s cell as described at the start of Scene One.

9. What do Winston and John say about the sand they were digging after Winston wipes some from his eyes in their cell?

10. Why is John frustrated with Winston in regards to the play, Antigone?

(see the answer keys)

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