The Island, by Athol Fugard Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 65 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Island, by Athol Fugard Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 65 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What do they use as backdrops for their play in Scene Four?
(a) Blankets.
(b) Sheets.
(c) Newspapers.
(d) Garbage bags.

2. What is King Creon’s robe made out of?
(a) A blanket.
(b) Old socks.
(c) Sheets.
(d) Cut trousers.

3. What does Antigone say when King Creon asks how she will plead?
(a) I plead the fifth.
(b) Not Guilty.
(c) Guilty.
(d) No contest.

4. Where does Scene Three of The Island open?
(a) The captain’s office.
(b) Winston’s home.
(c) John’s home.
(d) John and Winston’s cell.

5. Which of John’s belongings does he struggle to recall when talking with Winston about his last day of prison?
(a) His slacks.
(b) His watch.
(c) His shirt.
(d) His socks.

6. Where does Winston say John will go after spending time with his family once he is released?
(a) His house.
(b) Scott’s.
(c) Sky’s.
(d) Sipho’s.

7. Where does Winston say John will most likely work after he is transferred to a new prison?
(a) The vineyard.
(b) An office.
(c) The Island.
(d) The metal shop.

8. What does Winston say the prison has turned Harry into?
(a) Stone.
(b) A monk.
(c) A saint.
(d) A rat.

9. Which old prisoner does John remind Winston of when he tries to tell him he likely will not get out?
(a) Henry.
(b) Hodoshe.
(c) Hank.
(d) Harry.

10. What does Winston say he and Harry have in common?
(a) They do not remember why there are in prison.
(b) They are both innocent.
(c) They committed the same crime.
(d) They prefer prison to the outside world.

11. What did Antigone do to Polynices?
(a) She pretended she did not know him.
(b) She blamed him for her brother’s death.
(c) She murdered him.
(d) She had him buried.

12. After telling his family about prison life, Winston says John will still not be pleased because he needs what?
(a) A woman.
(b) A place to sleep.
(c) A job.
(d) New clothes.

13. The play ends with Winston tearing off his wig and saying that he goes on to his “living death” (77) because he honored what?
(a) The things to which honor belongs.
(b) The King.
(c) His wife.
(d) Nothing.

14. What happened after Antigone buried her brother?
(a) She was arrested.
(b) She was honored by the King.
(c) She was given money for his burial.
(d) She was praised.

15. John tells the audience that the story is about two brothers of what house?
(a) Lavaticus.
(b) Abacus.
(c) Labdacus.
(d) Incubus.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Winston say will happen between him and John once John is released?

2. When King Creon says that as King he symbolizes the State, how does Antigone respond?

3. What does King Creon say is one of the tools to ensure the people’s happiness?

4. How many days does John say he has left in prison?

5. What happened to the two brothers in battle?

(see the answer keys)

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