The Ionian Mission Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Ionian Mission Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How many ships does Aubrey take with his as he heads to meet with the potentates?
(a) 2.
(b) 3.
(c) 1.
(d) 4.

2. Who does Aubrey think is dead after the battle?
(a) Graham.
(b) Mettow.
(c) Pullings.
(d) Maturin.

3. Who represents Sciahan when Aubrey gets to his place?
(a) Parson Martin.
(b) Bishop Gregor.
(c) Father Adros.
(d) Rabbi Farnsworth.

4. What does Aubrey do on the day he meets with Sciahan?
(a) Sends a letter.
(b) Changes his mind.
(c) Buys his loyalty.
(d) Signs a contract.

5. What does Aubrey do to the bottom of the sinking Worcester?
(a) Fothers it.
(b) Wraps it.
(c) Boards it off.
(d) Buoys it.

6. What is Davis's first name?
(a) Attached.
(b) Avarice.
(c) Anger.
(d) Awkward.

7. Who does Thornton give his command to when he goes home?
(a) Davis.
(b) Maturin.
(c) Aubrey.
(d) Harte.

8. What kind of regions is Aubrey told to be delicate around?
(a) The allied regions.
(b) The friendly regions.
(c) The enemy regions.
(d) The neutral regions.

9. Who tells Aubrey of Mustapha's rebellion?
(a) Sciahan.
(b) Ismail.
(c) Harte.
(d) Graham.

10. What kind of harbor is a French consort anchored in?
(a) A neutral harbor.
(b) A Spanish harbor.
(c) A natural reef protected harbor.
(d) A French harbor.

11. What does Graham dislike about Aubrey's decision in the Ionian Region?
(a) It was not commanded.
(b) It was not binding.
(c) It was too impetuous.
(d) It was not beneficial.

12. What does Aubrey wrap the sinking hull with?
(a) A sail.
(b) Cable.
(c) Linen.
(d) Tar and gum.

13. Who owns the Kitabi?
(a) Ismail.
(b) Mustapha.
(c) Harte.
(d) Sciahan.

14. What is important for Aubrey to know about the potentates he will be meeting with?
(a) They hate each other.
(b) They are leaning towards the French alliance.
(c) They are destitute.
(d) They are not intelligent.

15. How does Aubrey describe Sciahan?
(a) Barbarian.
(b) Cunning.
(c) Wise.
(d) Militant.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does the crew have to pay most attention to during a storm?

2. What does Thornton threaten Aubrey with when he returns to the blockade?

3. What shatters the internal structure of the Worcester?

4. How does Aubrey know Mercedes?

5. What does Maturin call the clandestine rendezvous?

(see the answer keys)

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