The Ionian Mission Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Ionian Mission Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Aubrey combat his loneliness when Maturin is gone?
(a) Drinks.
(b) Doubles his watch times.
(c) Writes letters.
(d) Does practice runs.

2. What does Aubrey do when Maturin is not at the rendezvous point?
(a) Starts some music on the ship.
(b) Sends a foraging party to shore.
(c) Catches up on paperwork.
(d) Goes looking for an old lover.

3. What is important for Aubrey to know about the potentates he will be meeting with?
(a) They hate each other.
(b) They are destitute.
(c) They are leaning towards the French alliance.
(d) They are not intelligent.

4. Who does Aubrey think is dead after the battle?
(a) Maturin.
(b) Mettow.
(c) Graham.
(d) Pullings.

5. Who disagrees with Aubrey about Ismail?
(a) Graham.
(b) Maturin.
(c) Harte.
(d) Pullings.

6. What does Aubrey work to improve near Sciahan before the battles begin?
(a) A harbor.
(b) A bridge.
(c) A road.
(d) A dock.

7. What is Thornton desperate for after his time on the blockade?
(a) Word from his family.
(b) Some combat.
(c) Peace.
(d) To be on land.

8. How did Aubrey once save Davis?
(a) He saved him from drowning.
(b) He fought off an attack on Davis.
(c) He kept him from committing suicide.
(d) He stopped an execution.

9. Where does Mustapha live?
(a) Mesentereon.
(b) Karia.
(c) Macedonia.
(d) Kartak.

10. Who owns the Kitabi?
(a) Ismail.
(b) Mustapha.
(c) Sciahan.
(d) Harte.

11. What is Aubrey to do after leaving the blockade?
(a) Scout out a new position of strength.
(b) Confront enemy shores.
(c) Deliver a political delegation.
(d) Pick up Maturin.

12. How does Davis view being under Aubrey's command?
(a) It is just another post.
(b) It is the quickest way to promotion.
(c) It is a privilege.
(d) It is embarrassing.

13. What is Torgud?
(a) A kind of weapon.
(b) A native food.
(c) A harbor.
(d) A ship.

14. Who is wounded at the clandestine rendezvous?
(a) Aubrey.
(b) Maturin.
(c) Sosa.
(d) Graham.

15. What disappoints Aubrey as he leaves the harbor where the French were anchored?
(a) They do not recognize him.
(b) They fire on him.
(c) They do not fire on him.
(d) They do not send a message.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is Davis very skilled in?

2. Why does Harte give Aubrey the mission of meeting with the potentates?

3. How does Aubrey describe Sciahan?

4. Who does Thornton give his command to when he goes home?

5. How many warships does Mustapha have?

(see the answer keys)

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