The Invention of Wings Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Sue Monk Kidd
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 142 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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The Invention of Wings Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Sue Monk Kidd
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 142 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What color dress is Handful clothed in when she is presented to Sarah as her waiting maid?
(a) Red.
(b) Green.
(c) Purple.
(d) White.

2. What does Sarah leave in a basket for Mauma and Handful after Mauma's one-leg punishment in Part 1, November 1803 – February 1805?
(a) Flowers and water.
(b) Tea and crumpets.
(c) Potatoes and chicken.
(d) Liniment and medicine tea.

3. Who has discovered that Burke Williams has other fiancees and confronts him about it in Part 2, February 1811 – December 1812?
(a) Reverend William McDowell.
(b) Thomas Grimke.
(c) Tomke.
(d) Daniel Huger.

4. By what year had all the northern states abolished slavery?
(a) 1818.
(b) 1802.
(c) 1804.
(d) 1795.

5. What is the principle profession of Sarah Grimke's father?
(a) He is a judge.
(b) He is a doctor.
(c) He is a butcher.
(d) He is a sheriff.

Short Answer Questions

1. As punishment for teaching Handful to read, Sarah is forbidden from entering what room in the Grimke household in Part 1, November 1803 – February 1805?

2. What led to the death of Handful's father?

3. Who admonishes Sarah Grimke for teaching the slave children the ABC song during Sunday school in Part 1, November 1803 – February 1805?

4. What kind of gown does Mauma make for the upcoming Race Week in Part 1, November 1803 – February 1805?

5. What is Mauma's full name in the novel?

Short Essay Questions

1. Who is the young man that asks to call on Sarah at Mrs. Alston's party? How is this character described?

2. How has the friendship between Sarah and Handful evolved in the beginning of Part 2, February 1811 – December 1812?

3. How is the character of Mauma described in Part 1, November 1803 – February 1805? What is Mauma's name?

4. What takes place during Burke Williams' first visit to the Grimke estate in Part 2, February 1811 – December 1812?

5. What leads to Mauma being allowed to be hired out in Part 2, February 1811 – December 1812? How much does she earn in this manner?

6. How are Handful's feelings about Sarah described when Handful is seventeen in Part 2, February 1811 – December 1812?

7. How does the narrator describe Sarah's appearance in Part 1, November 1803 – February 1805? How is Sarah regarded by her parents?

8. What does Sarah discover Handful doing when her family returns from their upcountry estate in Part 2, February 1811 – December 1812? How does she respond?

9. What is Sarah's principle birthday present for her eleventh birthday? How does Sarah respond to this gift?

10. Why does Mr. Grimke take his family to their upcountry estate in Part 2, February 1811 – December 1812? How does Sarah respond?

(see the answer keys)

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