The Invention of Wings Test | Final Test - Easy

Sue Monk Kidd
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 142 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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The Invention of Wings Test | Final Test - Easy

Sue Monk Kidd
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 142 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What word from Part Four, September 1821 – July 1822 refers to a modest opinion or estimate of one's own importance or rank?
(a) Irascibility.
(b) Illustriousness.
(c) Humility.
(d) Flagrance.

2. What term from the novel refers to the medical use of seawater as a form of therapy?
(a) Thalassotherapy.
(b) Celiac therapy.
(c) Hydrotherapy.
(d) Targenic therapy.

3. How many of the remaining eleven slaves are to be sold or dispersed, according to Mr. Grimke's will in Part Three, October 1818 – November 1820?
(a) 8.
(b) 9.
(c) 5.
(d) 7.

4. When Denmark Vesey sets the date for the revolt as two months away in Part Four, September 1821 – July 1822, he claims to have how many names of slaves enrolled to participate?
(a) 3,000.
(b) 9,000.
(c) 6,000.
(d) 400.

5. Whom does Mrs. Grimke order to prepare her an elegant mourning dress after the death of her husband?
(a) Charlotte.
(b) Binah.
(c) Handful.
(d) Sarah.

6. What is the name of Denmark's wife that helped Charlotte escape?
(a) Susan.
(b) Anna.
(c) Mary.
(d) Christine.

7. What neighborhood in Philadelphia does Sarah return to after the death of her father in Part Three, October 1818 – November 1820?
(a) Olney-Oak Lane.
(b) Germantown.
(c) Society Hill.
(d) Roxborough-Manayunk.

8. Who is the female minister that defends Sarah's right to stay at Israel Morris's estate in Part Four, September 1821 – July 1822?
(a) Madame Ruffin.
(b) Mrs. Alston.
(c) Mrs. Bettleman.
(d) Lucretia Mott.

9. Where does the doctor prescribe for Mr. Grimke to stay for the summer in order to take in the sea air in Part Three, October 1818 – November 1820?
(a) Newark, New Jersey.
(b) Camden, New Jersey.
(c) Long Branch, New Jersey.
(d) New Brunswick, New Jersey.

10. Who does Handful sleep with before she commits the theft for the slave revolt in Part Four, September 1821 – July 1822?
(a) Daniel Huger.
(b) Thomas Grimke.
(c) Goodis.
(d) Shanney.

11. Who remains at the Grimke estate for Handful and the other slaves to serve while Sarah is gone to Israel Morris's estate in Part Four, September 1821 – July 1822?
(a) Mrs. Grimke and Nina.
(b) Mr. Grimke and Nina.
(c) Elizabeth and Peter.
(d) Thomas and Peter.

12. Handful explains in Part Three, October 1818 – November 1820 that when slaves are to be sold, the first thing they are told to do is what?
(a) Clean their teeth.
(b) Wash their faces.
(c) Take a bath.
(d) Wash their feet.

13. When the City Guard arrests the attendees of the black church in Part Three, October 1818 – November 1820, those who cannot afford bail are sent where?
(a) To the North.
(b) To the execution chamber.
(c) To Mississippi.
(d) To the Work House.

14. What is the name of Mrs. Grimke's lawyer that she writes to for help getting money in Part Four, September 1821 – July 1822?
(a) Robert Hayne.
(b) Theodore Weld.
(c) Daniel Huger.
(d) Burke Williams.

15. Catherine tells Sarah that she must move out of Israel's estate for the sake of what, in Part Four, September 1821 – July 1822?
(a) Her inheritance.
(b) Propriety.
(c) Their mother.
(d) Their brother.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the name of the black church that is attended by freed blacks and slaves in Charleston in Part Three, October 1818 – November 1820?

2. What is the name of the establishment where Sarah and her father stay in New Jersey in Part Three, October 1818 – November 1820?

3. How many names are on Denmark Vesey's list that Handful burns after Denmark's capture in Part Four, September 1821 – July 1822?

4. How long has Mauma been gone from the Grimke plantation in the beginning of Part Three, October 1818 – November 1820?

5. How old is Israel's daughter Becky during Sarah's visit to Israel's estate in Part Four, September 1821 – July 1822?

(see the answer keys)

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