The Invention of Tradition Test | Final Test - Easy

Eric Hobsawm and Terence Ranger
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 103 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Invention of Tradition Test | Final Test - Easy

Eric Hobsawm and Terence Ranger
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 103 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. During the third period, the monarchy came to represent all of the following qualities except _______.
(a) Obsequiousness.
(b) Community.
(c) Stability.
(d) Consensus.

2. One process the Europeans used was to spread the norms of _______ and attach them to various occupations.
(a) Hostility.
(b) Gentility.
(c) Aggression.
(d) Tradecraft.

3. The third period began at the end of ________ and lasted until the coronation of Queen Elizabeth in 1953.
(a) World War I.
(b) World War II.
(c) The Vietnam War.
(d) The Korean War.

4. In theory, India was supposed to be maintained as a ______ order, and many saw the integration as a cultural statement.
(a) Monastic.
(b) Democratic.
(c) Feudal.
(d) Communist.

5. Blacks were intentionally _______ by the creation of specialized social categories based on European models.
(a) Divided.
(b) Co-mingled.
(c) Militant.
(d) Unified.

6. The aspects of ritual dance and performance to be studied include all of the following except ______.
(a) Political power of the monarch.
(b) The attitude of the media.
(c) The aesthetic sensibility of the people.
(d) The self-image of the nation.

7. Unlike India, Africa did not have an organized form of state rule and thus the Europeans had to use _______ ideology.
(a) Patriarchal.
(b) Hierarchical.
(c) Matriarchal.
(d) Monarchical.

8. The activities that surrounded the assemblage were scheduled to last for _______ weeks.
(a) Four.
(b) Six.
(c) Two.
(d) Eight.

9. The sites of the great events of the Indian uprising were a destination for the English and included all of the following except ______.
(a) The Delhi Ridge.
(b) The Gardens in Kanpur.
(c) The Memorial Well.
(d) The Mason Lodges of Calcutta.

10. David Cannadine suggests that ____ aspects of ritual, performance and context deserve study.
(a) Twelve.
(b) Eight.
(c) Ten.
(d) Fifteen.

11. The author claims that ______ was not well suited for royal ceremonies because many buildings were symbols of the wealth and power of the merchant class.
(a) London.
(b) Canterbury.
(c) Surrey.
(d) Edinburgh.

12. The author states that there were some _______ Indians and Europeans located in camps around the ceremony area.
(a) 84,000.
(b) 240,000.
(c) 150,000.
(d) 24,000.

13. During the time of the empress, Indian _______ were ordered into a hierarchy and new titles were created.
(a) Royal titles.
(b) Peasant titles.
(c) Family titles.
(d) Merchant titles.

14. According to the book, the fourth period is characterized by romantic glamor, partly due to ________ advances.
(a) Moral.
(b) Technological.
(c) Ethical.
(d) Religious.

15. According to the book, _______ III's children made him particularly hated by the public at large.
(a) Richard.
(b) Henry.
(c) George.
(d) Phillip.

Short Answer Questions

1. In 1877, Queen _______ was crowned Empress of India, effectively removing the last vestiges of power from the Mughal Empire.

2. According to the author, the British ruled through the ______ emperor, but due to differences in culture, British prestige was difficult to maintain.

3. During the second period, royal ritual became more splendid and the _______ became a symbol of the nation.

4. _______ was spread by the colonial powers in Africa, forming a new cultural system.

5. The author refers to all of the following grand ceremonies during the second period except _______.

(see the answer keys)

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