The Intuitionist Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Intuitionist Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Lila Mae keep those in power from finding her?
(a) She keeps moving from place to place.
(b) She leaves the city forever.
(c) She hides at the Institute.
(d) She assumes Marie Claire's identity.

2. Who does Coombs work for?
(a) Arbo.
(b) United.
(c) The Guild.
(d) The city.

3. What does Chuck Gould ask Lila Mae to do in Up: Part One?
(a) Leave town.
(b) Turn herself in.
(c) Find Ben Urich.
(d) Go back to the Fanny Briggs building.

4. What does Lila Mae do inside the Lift office?
(a) She searches Urich's desk.
(b) She inspects the elevator.
(c) She breaks into the safe.
(d) She finds the Black Box plans.

5. Why did Marie Claire send the papers out?
(a) Because Fulton asked her to.
(b) Because she wanted revenge on her former boss.
(c) Because she wanted the truth to come out.
(d) Because she feared someone would steal them.

6. How does Lila Mae know the elevator industry will never figure out that she has fooled them about the Black Box?
(a) That the plans are really nonsense.
(b) That Natchez will keep feeding them false clues.
(c) They do not have the key to Fulton's mathematics.
(d) She destroyed the evidence before she left town.

7. What had occurred at the Fulton residence the night before in Up: Part Two?
(a) Marie Claire had passed away.
(b) There was a meeting of Intuitionists.
(c) James Fulton returned.
(d) It had been broken into.

8. What does Natchez reveal about the Follies?
(a) That he had arranged for Chancre's accident.
(b) That the Follies were not going to continue.
(c) That Lila Mae's rivals had secretly met there.
(d) That James Fulton was the founder of the Follies .

9. Where does Lila Mae go after she leaves the Fanny Briggs building?
(a) Back to her apartment .
(b) To see Marie Claire Rogers.
(c) To the offices of Lift Magazine.
(d) To Johnny Shush's hideout.

10. What does Lila Mae realize about Chuck Gould?
(a) That he is really working for Chancre.
(b) That he flunked out of elevator school.
(c) That she can no longer trust him.
(d) That he may be able to help her.

11. What does Marie Claire reveal in Up: Part Two about the Black Box?
(a) It was part of an elaborate joke on the white, Empiricist world.
(b) That Fulton died without ever succeeding with the Black Box design.
(c) She had already sent the plans to Chancre.
(d) That Fulton had completed the plans, but had destroyed them.

12. What is Lila Mae Watson doing with the Black Box plans?
(a) She is destroying them one page at a time.
(b) She is completing them.
(c) She is keeping them safe until after the election.
(d) She plans to give them to the Intuitionists.

13. The morning after her visit to the Lift Magazine offices, where does Lila Mae first go?
(a) Back to the Institute.
(b) She leaves town.
(c) Back to work.
(d) The Fanny Briggs building.

14. What does Chancre do onstage at the Funicular Follies?
(a) Claims he has discovered the Black Box plans.
(b) Reenacts Elisha Otis' unveiling of the safety brake.
(c) Accuses Lila Mae of sabotaging the Fanny Brigs elevator.
(d) Announces he is pulling out of the presidential race.

15. What does Chuck Gould thinks will happen if the Black Box turns out to be real?
(a) That it means Fulton is still alive.
(b) That the "second elevation" is coming.
(c) That it will be the end of Intuitionism.
(d) That there will no longer be a need for elevator inspectors.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why had Fulton written the second volume of Theoretical elevators?

2. What had Marie Claire done, as revealed in Up: Part Two?

3. How does Lila Mae escape the Lift offices in Up: Part One?

4. When will Lila Mae release the real Black Box plans?

5. Who are the real players behind the search for the Black Box?

(see the answer keys)

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