The Interpersonal World of the Infant: A View from Psychoanalysis and Developmental Psychology Test | Final Test - Easy

Daniel N. Stern
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 107 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Interpersonal World of the Infant: A View from Psychoanalysis and Developmental Psychology Test | Final Test - Easy

Daniel N. Stern
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 107 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. The sense of a core self is built out of patterns of __________ which maintain themselves in an equilibrium that becomes a sense of self.
(a) Movement.
(b) Experience.
(c) Interaction.
(d) History.

2. Cumulative interactive patterns, for example, may be the source of many extreme _________ disorders, though finding the cause might be impossible.
(a) Personality.
(b) Infant.
(c) Family.
(d) Energy.

3. The process of affect attunement is a bit of a mystery, though many have speculated that ________ is not enough to get the process off the ground.
(a) Imitation.
(b) Education.
(c) Understanding.
(d) Speculation.

4. Stern presents a notion of _______ sense of self which helps to develop a therapeutic metaphor because feelings can be turned into particulars which can then allow even closer analysis.
(a) Layering.
(b) Inner.
(c) Subjective.
(d) Outer.

5. With language, the self and the ________ can now relate in an enormous number of ways and with shared varied meanings.
(a) Teacher.
(b) World.
(c) Parent.
(d) Other.

6. In Stern's mind, psychopathology should be seen as manifesting in a continuum of pattern ______________.
(a) Aggression.
(b) Definition.
(c) Accumulation.
(d) Emergence.

7. However, other researchers have found that infants have optimum levels of __________ that they will seek and other levels they will avoid.
(a) Stimulation.
(b) Attunement.
(c) Love.
(d) Movement.

8. _________ of sense of self also help to identify a helpful narrative point of origin for the therapist when working with a client.
(a) Activities.
(b) Interactions.
(c) Domains.
(d) Words.

9. The process of ___________ and separation is not stage-specific but is ongoing throughout a life, as the self/other barrier is always being negotiated.
(a) Movement.
(b) Learning.
(c) Individuation.
(d) Action.

10. Stern believes that the capacities which tie diverse experiences of the social world together are largely determined by _________.
(a) Myths.
(b) Books.
(c) Environment.
(d) Genetics.

11. The infant always has some, at least rudimentary, sense of ____________, according to Stern in his findings and research.
(a) Movement.
(b) Future.
(c) Self.
(d) Separateness.

12. When searching for causes of ________ personality disorder, for example, different theories look for an experience of abandonment or isolation as a cause.
(a) Paranoid.
(b) Borderline.
(c) Mood.
(d) Anxiety.

13. The nature of therapy will be best determined by which domain of __________ is most affected in the patient.
(a) Experience.
(b) Action.
(c) Attunement.
(d) Emergence.

14. Often, cases can be isolated according to particular senses of _________, which makes pathology easier to diagnose and to treat.
(a) Other.
(b) Attunement.
(c) Interaction.
(d) Self.

15. When an infant is unable to share their inner experiences, they might begin to focus on __________, rather than sharing.
(a) Avoiding.
(b) Regulation.
(c) Internalizing.
(d) Ignoring.

Short Answer Questions

1. Stern notes there is some evidence from _________ research to support the view that emotional states have an important organizing role.

2. Stern begins to discuss how the client and patient should reconstruct an effective _________ about the past.

3. _________ believed that in the first few months of life that an infant had a protective shield against stimuli that might affect development.

4. Children also begin to acquire a capacity to engage in _________ play, or the process of imitating the actions of adults in their lives.

5. Stern says that more __________ is needed since the ideas he presents in this book are merely hypotheses.

(see the answer keys)

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