The Interior Castle Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Interior Castle Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In that rapture, what does Teresa say she is allowed to do?
(a) feel a spiritual orgasm
(b) glimpse into the mind of the Beloved
(c) know what it feels like to die physically
(d) observe the final, most intimate dwelling for just a moment

2. What comes to her as she recognizes her ever increasing responsibility and passion to be of service to a God?
(a) urgency
(b) humility
(c) more visions
(d) guilt for shortcomings

3. About what does Teresa suggest getting advice if one is commanded to do something during the Sixth Dwelling experience?
(a) some action that may be dangerous
(b) some action that will affect another person
(c) some action never heard of before
(d) some action that seems against the Mother Church

4. From what strange source does Teresa find joy?
(a) being fed by the Hand of God
(b) being persecuted for her King
(c) being free from physical labor
(d) being cured of her physical ailments

5. Ending the Chapter on the Sixth Dwelling, what is Teresa's emphasis on?
(a) the formulas for improving meditation
(b) making the Sixth Dwelling appealing to all
(c) distinguishing a real vision from a false one
(d) learning techniques for getting to the Sixth Dwelling quickly

6. What knowledge does Teresa say is the cause of intellectual visions?
(a) that God is always watching
(b) that God uses both mind and soul
(c) that she has been there before
(d) that she was taught these things

7. What does Teresa say about following one's lofty promises made to God in moments of worship?
(a) They require re-evaluation.
(b) They are no longer necessary.
(c) They require action.
(d) They are soon forgotten by God.

8. If a voice she hears causes her to linger in worship and increases her devotion, what conclusion does Teresa draw?
(a) it is an echo of her thoughts
(b) it is a passed trial of distraction
(c) it it divine
(d) it was not something heard, after all

9. What does Teresa say she was doing that sometimes caused her to forget the simple guideline of getting to God?
(a) seeking the consolations of prayer
(b) thinking too much about Christ
(c) working on her writing
(d) meditating too long on the saints

10. When does Teresa say she is able to see clearly the ways she has strayed from Him while she has dwelled with Him?
(a) the moment she feels the warmth of His presence
(b) the moment she wakes from her vision
(c) the moment she opens her eyes the next morning
(d) the moment in which God instills deep secrets in her soul

11. What do those closest to God experience?
(a) the greatest doubt
(b) the most severe trials
(c) avoidance of all trials
(d) freedom from temptation

12. How do imaginative visions embed themselves into the soul?
(a) as clear images that cannot be forgotten
(b) as metaphors of all that the visions reveal
(c) as fleeting images that return from time to time
(d) more as impressions than crisp memories

13. What does Teresa say God gives her to remember this visit?
(a) a ring on her finger
(b) a thorn in the flesh
(c) an ability to dream the visit
(d) a token of her visit

14. What happens when God presses the glowing ember into her soul?
(a) She feels pleasure instead of pain.
(b) She falls like a heap of ashes.
(c) It makes her glow fiery red.
(d) It does not catch fire.

15. What overwhelming emotion does Teresa go on to discuss in Dwelling Six?
(a) the desire to do as much good as possible
(b) the immensity of a soul's desire to die and join her Beloved
(c) the ache to see the Beloved again and again
(d) the feeling of taking arms to protect the Church

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Teresa say the encounters with God feel like?

2. What does a vision coming from God do for the soul?

3. What is the benefit of this marriage that is still not complete?

4. What does Teresa say are continuously going on in the chamber of the soul?

5. On what does Teresa suggest one meditates when in the state of sorrow for their past transgressions?

(see the answer keys)

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