The Interior Castle Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Interior Castle Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Teresa classify as a sign of the intention to draw ever closer to God?
(a) more study on prayer
(b) heartborken sobs
(c) perseverance
(d) indifference

2. What is a second metaphor of spiritual consolation?
(a) bubbleing springs that tinkle like bells
(b) a fragrance that originates deep in the soul
(c) bird sogn that lifts the spirit
(d) sweet music that comes from on high

3. How does Teresa classify those who have reached the Third Dwelling?
(a) already on their way to security unless they turn away
(b) unsure of where they are
(c) looking for a corner to rest in
(d) exhausted from their journey

4. What does Teresa say a person who prays must do?
(a) make confession before prayer
(b) lie prostrate on the ground
(c) light candles to help the prayer ascend
(d) turn attention away from earthly treasures

5. What condition does Teresa suggest a soul is in when it turns away from a life of prayer?
(a) being outside not able to find the door
(b) being free to examine itself
(c) in a world of confusion
(d) in a state of grave error

6. How does she refer to God?
(a) as The Inquisitor
(b) as the Beloved
(c) as the Task Master
(d) as The Suffering Savior

7. To whom is THE INNER CASTLE addressed?
(a) all women
(b) church me to help them underrstand women
(c) sisters at Mr. Carmel convent
(d) the Beloved

8. To what does Teresa invite the sister who would enter the Fifth Dwelling?
(a) certain herbs that enhance the experience
(b) lessons on finding the doorway
(c) communal prayer sessions to gain entrance
(d) deliberate meditation on the beauty of that life and sacrifice

9. What does Teresa say happens to those who dwell outside the castle?
(a) They have to fight for their lives.
(b) They are eaten by the dragons.
(c) They become blind in the drakness.
(d) They become like the creatures out there.

10. Where does Teresa say her words come from?
(a) the Bible
(b) the Saints
(c) the visions she has
(d) the Beloved

11. Who may, according to Teresa, cause doubt and turning away from her experience as soon as she is out of the throes of it?
(a) people who come with too many earthly problems
(b) inept and paranoid spiritual advisors
(c) the harsh realities of day to day living
(d) sisters who know more than she does

12. After the Fifth Dwelling experience, what is the supplicant's new attitude?
(a) superior to all others
(b) ready to go out into the world again
(c) satisfied with herself and all she does
(d) dissatisfied with every earthly pleasure

13. What does Teresa say makes the Prayer of Recollection necessary?
(a) when one has left the convent
(b) when one begins to forget how to pray
(c) when one has picked up bad habits
(d) when one has not prayed every day

14. In the Sixth Dwelling, what does Teresa describe pertaining to the bride?
(a) how she wonders what her wedding dress will be like
(b) how the Groom will look in person
(c) how the time seems to take forever
(d) how eagerly she awaits her wedding day

15. Before beginning the writing, to what does she compare herself?
(a) a cat that sleeps all the time
(b) a fish that is left out of water
(c) a bird that has been taught to speak
(d) a rabbit that fears preditors

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Teresa say about good deeds that only glorify the person who does them?

2. What, according to Teresa, is the value of continuously reflecting on one's own character?

3. How does Teresa advise her sisters they can stay humble?

4. What must be understood if the thoughts that serve as distractions are from a spirit of evil?

5. What does Teresa say the mind will do if it is allowed to wander during prayer?

(see the answer keys)

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