The Interior Castle Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Interior Castle Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Teresa say a soul with excessive humility can see itself?
(a) as unworthy of divine help
(b) as a lotus in a pond
(c) as better than other people
(d) as only of value to other people

2. What does a sister do when entering into the Fifth Dwelling?
(a) opens her mind to spiritual infinity
(b) dies to her own desires
(c) changes her clothes
(d) bows low and says the Our Father

3. To what does Teresa invite the sister who would enter the Fifth Dwelling?
(a) communal prayer sessions to gain entrance
(b) certain herbs that enhance the experience
(c) deliberate meditation on the beauty of that life and sacrifice
(d) lessons on finding the doorway

4. What does Teresa warn against regarding spiritual affectations?
(a) becoming smug in one's relationship to God
(b) putting on shows of miracle working
(c) putting on a show of one's spirituality with esoteric jargon
(d) performing good deeds without love

5. Where does Teresa say her words come from?
(a) the Beloved
(b) the Bible
(c) the Saints
(d) the visions she has

6. What must the formerly rich man do when he is reduced to poverty?
(a) to maintain faith that God works wisely for his good
(b) realize that he has sinned
(c) take up a new religion
(d) curse God and die

7. What, according to Teresa, is the value of continuously reflecting on one's own character?
(a) always knowing the right thing to say
(b) having answers to all of life's questions
(c) being ready for trials before they come
(d) being able to live among the worldly

8. What is it when the soul retreats from the senses and begins to rebuild the temple where it can go to worship?
(a) the Prayer of the Faithful
(b) the Prayer of Contrition
(c) the Prayer of Recollection
(d) the Lord's Prayer

9. What is her fear of not being in alignment with the Mother Church?
(a) because she is a woman
(b) her bishop does not like her
(c) her problems with the Spanish Inquisition
(d) her ignorance of Church doctrine

10. What does Teresa say about good works done outside of communion with God ?
(a) They open the door to God.
(b) They are useful to other people.
(c) They make up for other failings.
(d) They come from a spirit of evil.

11. After the Fifth Dwelling experience, what is the supplicant's new attitude?
(a) satisfied with herself and all she does
(b) ready to go out into the world again
(c) superior to all others
(d) dissatisfied with every earthly pleasure

12. What does Teresa say God will do for those who face the possibility of losing their reputations?
(a) hide them from public view
(b) make them examples to other people
(c) cast them away from His care
(d) equip them to handle the circumstance with dignity

13. When is it good for the rich to desire more wealth?
(a) when times get difficult
(b) when the intention is virtuous
(c) when the idea is someone else's
(d) when it is easy to do

14. What does Teresa say about good deeds that only glorify the person who does them?
(a) They are the only way to do good.
(b) They bring recognition from God.
(c) They yield no lasting good.
(d) They help the person find humility.

15. What is the composition of the castle?
(a) diamond or some clear crystal
(b) solid, carved stone
(c) cedars from Lebanon
(d) brick and mortor

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Teresa say about the servants of an earthly King?

2. How does she refer to God?

3. What does Teresa prescribe instead of memorized prayers?

4. After the Prayer of Union, where does the sister realize she was?

5. What does Teresa say the nature of many people is?

(see the answer keys)

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