The Interesting Narrative and Other Writings Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 174 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Interesting Narrative and Other Writings Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 174 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How do Equiano's shipmates feel about Pascal selling him?
(a) They don't care one way or the other.
(b) They think it is very unfair.
(c) They are happy, because Equiano always won fights against them.
(d) They think it is just as well, because Pascal was not a good master and Equiano will be better off out of the navy.

2. What European characteristic does Equiano say helps prove that Europeans and Africans are related?
(a) That some Europeans get darker skinned when they are exposed to sun.
(b) That Europeans share the same religious beliefs as Africans.
(c) That Europeans share the same attitudes toward adultery as Africans.
(d) That some Europeans really like the Eboe way of life.

3. What merchandise do two white men steal from Equiano?
(a) A drinking glass.
(b) His wallet.
(c) Fruit.
(d) A young calf.

4. Once King decides not to sell Equiano, what does King do?
(a) Goes to work for Farmer himself.
(b) Stays in his air-conditioned bedroom all day.
(c) Gives Equiano additional goods to sell.
(d) Sells all his other slaves instead.

5. How does Equiano react when he is told he won't be a slave long?
(a) He's very happy.
(b) He decides he should go ahead and run away.
(c) He doesn't believe what he's told.
(d) He's worried about how he'll make a living.

Short Answer Questions

1. In Chapter 4, which two people does Equiano expect to be reunited with?

2. At the end of his long overland journey in Africa, where does Equiano arrive?

3. Why does Equiano believe he has already bought his way out of slavery in Chapter 4?

4. What work does Equiano do for the owner who takes him to the West Indies?

5. What kind of work do most Eboe people do?

Short Essay Questions

1. After Pascal sells him to a new owner, how does Equiano deal with the disappointment?

2. In Chapter 4, how is Pascal's personality revealed to readers?

3. How does the description of military life in Chapter 3 reflect on English culture?

4. What are the two disappointments Equiano experiences in the Mediterranean?

5. Describe Captain Doran's personality.

6. Describe the system of slavery practiced among the Eboe people.

7. Why do you think Equiano does not try to escape when he's on shore after the British win the battle?

8. Discuss the role of food in Chapter 2.

9. According to Equiano, what is slavery in the West Indies like?

10. What features of the life of the Eboe people as Equiano describes are most interesting or surprising?

(see the answer keys)

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