The Interesting Narrative and Other Writings Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 174 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Interesting Narrative and Other Writings Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 174 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. On a quest for a new religion, why does Equiano decide to go to Turkey?
(a) He plans to go from their to Africa to relearn the religion of the Eboe people.
(b) He thinks the Turks are the most Christ-like people he has met.
(c) He wants to convert the Turks to Christianity.
(d) He has decided to become a Muslim.

2. What religious group does Equiano do a lot of business with in Philadelphia?
(a) Quakers.
(b) Catholic monks.
(c) Muslims.
(d) Puritans.

3. Why does Hughes tie Equiano up?
(a) He is afraid Equiano will attack him in his sleep.
(b) He knows Equiano is good at navigation.
(c) He doesn't like Christians.
(d) He wants to sell Equiano back into slavery.

4. Whose sermon helps Equiano understand what is required for salvation?
(a) Dr. Irving's.
(b) Reveral Romaine's.
(c) George Whitfield's.
(d) Lord Mulgarve's.

5. What happens to the bulls on Farmer's last voyage?
(a) They can not be sold at Montserrat because cows are sacred there.
(b) They are sacrificed because of Farmer's death.
(c) They all die on the ship.
(d) They sell for much more than turkeys.

6. Where do Equiano and the rest of the rescue mission head to try to get help?
(a) New Providence.
(b) Montserrat.
(c) The Bahamas.
(d) St. Croix.

7. What happens to John Annis on the boat to Turkey?
(a) He is kidnapped by his former owner.
(b) He is kidnapped by Pascal.
(c) He is kidnapped by Dr. Irving.
(d) He is killed by a white whale.

8. When the crew think they see cannibals, what are they really looking at?
(a) Flamingos.
(b) Polar bears.
(c) Themselves, reflected in a mirror that washed ashore.
(d) Pygmies.

9. Why does Equiano not go to England immediately after receiving his freedom?
(a) He no longer wants to go to England because he likes Montserrat so much.
(b) He feels he has a duty to King and Farmer, so he continues working for them.
(c) He has fallen in love with a girl in Montserrat.
(d) Freed slaves are not allowed in England.

10. What happens after Equiano complains about the Sierra Leone project?
(a) Equiano is made a knight by the King.
(b) All the problems get fixed.
(c) He loses his job.
(d) All the corrupt officials are put in jail.

11. Why do the white men try to kidnap Equiano in Georgia?
(a) Because they want to hold Equiano for ransom.
(b) So they can present him as an escaped slave and get money for him.
(c) Because King sent them to find Equiano.
(d) Because they are angry about the wreck of the Nancy.

12. What is the name of the document that verifies a former slave has been given his or her freedom?
(a) Certificate of Freedom.
(b) Emancipation.
(c) Manumission.
(d) Manual transmission.

13. What order does Phillips give that would have cost the lives of many slaves?
(a) Phillips orders that the slaves do all the work of rebuilding the ship without any help from the crew.
(b) Phillips orders that the slaves be given no food.
(c) Phillips orders the hatches to be nailed shut.
(d) Phillips orders that the slaves test the drinking water on the island.

14. What book does Equiano receive after a conversation about Christianity?
(a) "The Pilgrim's Progress."
(b) "The Conversion of an African."
(c) "The Hairdresser's Guide to Spiritual Life."
(d) "The Conversion of an Indian."

15. What does Equiano do that he later thinks is a cause of the wreck of the Nancy?
(a) Accidentally puts a hole in the side of the ship when he is fighting with another crew member.
(b) Curses the ship.
(c) Wishes out loud that he never had to spend another minute on the Nancy.
(d) Prays to God for the ship to sink.

Short Answer Questions

1. What prevents Mulgrave's expedition from achieving its goal?

2. What does King give Equiano when Equiano is leaving for England in Chapter 9?

3. Why does Equiano's conversion of the Native American not succeed?

4. What is the name of the Native American Equiano tries to convert to Christianity?

5. Why does the English government start an expedition to Sierra Leone?

(see the answer keys)

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