The Interesting Narrative and Other Writings Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 174 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Interesting Narrative and Other Writings Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 174 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What punishment does Equiano get for accidentally killing an animal?
(a) He is forced to sleep with the animals.
(b) He is ordered to take care of all the animals for a month.
(c) He is scolded.
(d) He is grounded for a month.

2. How does it happen that the French attack the English on the way back across the Atlantic?
(a) Native Americans on the French ship can hear the English ships coming.
(b) The French intentionally try to disguise themselves as English ships.
(c) The English mistake the French fleet for other English ships.
(d) The Americans send a telegram to the French to tell them where the British are.

3. What does Equiano's second West Indies owner promise to do for him later?
(a) Send him to Philadelphia and make him a clerk.
(b) Set him free at the age of 21.
(c) Send him to England to work in an office there.
(d) Let him join the navy.

4. At the end of his long overland journey in Africa, where does Equiano arrive?
(a) Cairo, Egypt.
(b) Johannesburg, South Africa.
(c) The eastern sea coast.
(d) The western sea coast.

5. What island in the West Indies does Equiano's new owner take him to?
(a) Cuba.
(b) Haiti.
(c) Montserrat.
(d) Santo Domingo.

6. Where does the slave ship land?
(a) Mexico.
(b) Florida.
(c) Barbados.
(d) Plymouth Rock.

7. When Pascal is promoted, what ship is he assigned to?
(a) The Pequod.
(b) The John Bull.
(c) The Loyal John.
(d) The Royal George.

8. How does Equiano feel about traveling to Philadelphia?
(a) Sad.
(b) Excited.
(c) Angry.
(d) Frightened.

9. Which statement best describes the Eboes' religious beliefs?
(a) They believe that each animal and plant has its own god.
(b) The Eboe are Christians.
(c) They have never heard of the idea of God.
(d) They believe in a single God who created Earth.

10. When Equiano feels an earthquake during the night, what does he think it is?
(a) He thinks he's on a ship in rough waters.
(b) Ghosts.
(c) A dream.
(d) Kids shaking his bed to play a prank.

11. When Equiano gets the opportunity to sail away with Farmer's ship, what does he do?
(a) Sails away, but gets lost.
(b) Sails to Philadelphia.
(c) Sails to Africa.
(d) Doesn't take the ship.

12. What does Equiano conclude about Pascal selling him?
(a) He should refuse to work, since the sale was illegal.
(b) It's okay, because his new owner is nicer than Pascal was.
(c) It's a test from God.
(d) He should run away and find Pascal to get revenge.

13. How does Equiano say the Eboe punish adultery?
(a) A woman found to have committed adultery could be punished with death or slavery.
(b) Adultery is punished by making people wear a scarlet letter "A" on their clothing.
(c) Only men are punished for adultery, usually with death.
(d) Adultery is not punished by the Eboe at all.

14. Why is Equiano so lonely in Virginia?
(a) He is the only child on the plantation.
(b) The other slaves don't like him.
(c) He is the only slave on the plantation.
(d) He doesn't speak English, and the other slaves don't speak his language.

15. Which of the following does Equiano say helps prove that Africans are related to Europeans?
(a) The Eboe had a legend about how white men came from the north and intermarried with the Eboe.
(b) The Eboe told a legend about how they used to live in a cold place in the north.
(c) Europeans and Africans eat the same foods.
(d) African culture and religious practices resemble the practices of Jews described in the Old Testament.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why do Pascal and Equiano go to London after the fleet returns?

2. What new name does Pascal give Equiano?

3. What does Equiano's first name, Olaudah, mean?

4. Why does Equiano think slaveholders in the West Indies are hypocrites?

5. Why does Equiano get baptized?

(see the answer keys)

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