The Institute Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 166 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Institute Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 166 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. According to Avery in Section V, Chapter 7, what can be heard coming from the back half of Back Half?
(a) The hiss of cats.
(b) The growl of bears.
(c) The bleat of calves.
(d) The drone of bees.

2. What is Avery's final thought in Section VIII, Chapter 25?
(a) "I loved having friends."
(b) "I loved being me."
(c) "I loved fighting back."
(d) "I loved being good."

3. Upon reaching Chicago, whom will Kalisha call, as revealed in Section IX, Chapter 4?
(a) Her sister.
(b) Her cousin.
(c) Her mother.
(d) Her aunt.

4. What does Luke give Tim in Section VII, Chapter 11?
(a) The names of his friends at the Institute.
(b) Maureen's flash drive.
(c) His tracking chip.
(d) His knife.

5. What effect does the immersion tank have on Avery, as he notes in Section VII, Chapter 7?
(a) It increases his telepathy.
(b) It temporarily blinds him.
(c) It allows him to see the future.
(d) It permanently takes away his telepathy.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Stackhouse instruct Gladys to do in Section VII, Chapter 39?

2. How does Stackhouse prevent the children of Back Half from reaching the Front Half in Section VII, Chapter 27?

3. According to the doctor in Section VII, Chapter 6, what does Luke need?

4. What does Luke realize about the approaching woman in Section VII, Chapter 28?

5. Luke's good behavior convinces the staff of what, as seen in Section V, Chapter 1?

Short Essay Questions

1. What prevents the children of Back Half from reaching the Front Half in Section VII, Chapter 27?

2. What has changed about Avery in Section VII, Chapter 7? What has brought about this change?

3. What advice does Dr. Hendricks give the staff in Section VIII, Chapter 31?

4. What demands does Luke make of Stackhouse in Section VIII, Chapter 6?

5. After going down the river in Section V, Chapter 22, where does Luke get off? What is his likely destination, as explained in Section V, Chapter 23?

6. What movie are the children shown in Section VII, Chapter 13? What is the ultimate outcome of this film, according to Kalisha?

7. What dream does Kalisha have in Section VIII, Chapter 4?

8. What instructions does Stackhouse give Gladys in Section VIII, Chapter 39?

9. How does Luke dismantle the reasoning behind Smith's use of precognatives in Section IX, Chapter 1?

10. Section V, Chapter 1, how does Luke change after learning his parents are gone? What are the results of this change?

(see the answer keys)

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