The Institute Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 166 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Institute Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 166 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What kind of psychic power does Kalisha have, as revealed in Section II, Chapter 9?
(a) Telekinesis.
(b) Precognition.
(c) Telepathy.
(d) Remote viewing.

2. According to Luke's guidance counselor in Section II, Chapter 1, what makes Luke's intelligence so rare?
(a) It is boundless.
(b) It is specific.
(c) It is paltry.
(d) It is restricted.

3. According to Tim in Section I, Chapter 8, from what creature did he once rescue a boy?
(a) A coyote.
(b) A tarantula.
(c) A bear.
(d) An alligator.

4. Who owned Luke's computer before he receives it?
(a) Delia.
(b) Donna.
(c) Darcy.
(d) Daphne.

5. What is the name of Luke's school in Section II, Chapter 1?
(a) The Brighton School for Extraordinary Children.
(b) The Bender School for Unusual Children.
(c) The Broderick School for Exceptional Children.
(d) The Brunswick School for Remarkable Children.

6. According to Luke's guidance counselor in Section II, Chapter 1, where should Luke continue his education?
(a) Columbia and Dartmouth.
(b) Princeton and Harvard.
(c) MIT and Emerson.
(d) Yale and Brown.

7. What does Kalisha fear in Section IV, Chapter 6?
(a) She will lose her memory.
(b) She will die soon.
(c) Her family is dead.
(d) She will be taken to Back Half soon.

8. What does Sheriff John propose in Section I, Chapter 15?
(a) Promoting Tim to officer.
(b) Eliminating the position of night knocker.
(c) Calling Tim's old boss.
(d) Retiring.

9. How does Mrs. Sigsby describes the experiments performed by Dr. Hendricks in Section IV, Chapter 15?
(a) As unnecessary.
(b) As vital.
(c) As visionary.
(d) As confusing.

10. What frightening procedure is performed on an unconscious Luke in Section IV, Chapter 25?
(a) His head has been shaved.
(b) Samples have been removed from him.
(c) Some of his teeth have been removed.
(d) He has received an implant.

11. When Luke wakes up in Section II, Chapter 7, what is missing from his room?
(a) The window.
(b) The closet.
(c) His fish tank.
(d) His wrestling poster.

12. What is the name of the DuPray deputy whose striking beauty attracts Tim?
(a) Wanda Gullickson.
(b) Whitney Gullickson.
(c) Winifred Gullickson.
(d) Wendy Gullickson.

13. According to Kalisha in Section II, Chapter 9, how is the Institute divided?
(a) Into Front Half and Back Half.
(b) Into Top Half and Bottom Half.
(c) Into North Half and South Half.
(d) Into Left Half and Right Half.

14. Of what animal does Luke receive an image at the end of Section IV, Chapter 29?
(a) A wolf.
(b) A canary.
(c) A tiger.
(d) A scorpion.

15. What is the name of Luke's best friend, as mentioned in Section II, Chapter 2?
(a) Rolf.
(b) Rickie.
(c) Ryder.
(d) Robby.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Tim solve the problem in Section I, Chapter 13?

2. The bond between whom makes Luke jealous in Section IV, Chapter 24?

3. Who fights upon being taken to Back Half in Section IV, Chapter 26?

4. According to Luke in Chapter IV, Chapter 8, why does the staff perform demeaning procedures on them?

5. According to Rosalind in Section II, Chapter 8, what is the name of the arrival with a high BDNF?

(see the answer keys)

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