The Innocents Abroad Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Innocents Abroad Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. With what are the streets of Constantinople crowded?

2. What did the preachers on board the ship tell young Jack that turtles will do in Chapter 47?

3. What is the name of the smoking apparatus handed to Twain in Turkey?

4. What is the name of the bare hill in Shechem?

5. Where did Twain see the handkerchief of St. Veronica?

Short Essay Questions

1. Twain notices something about the Russian emperor during their visit that makes the emperor appear even move down to earth and human. What does Twain notice?

2. In Chapter 60, Twain relates a humorous tale of an experience he had on the ship. What is the tale about, and how does it proceed?

3. Despite many precautions, what disease does Twain contract, and what are his theories on how he contracted it?

4. Though the excursion is now complete, Twain and several of his friends feel that there is something missing. Where do they decide to go and why?

5. Twain and the group have, to this point, been surrounded by foreigners with nothing to gain from the group but their money. Their experience with the Russians is happily different. What happens to make the group feel this way?

6. Describe some of the historical areas that the group can see from the hill 1,200 feet above the Lake of Galilee.

7. Twain and his companions' awe at walking in Jesus' footsteps and perhaps touching the very surface he may have once touched continues. They come to the tiny village of Shunem. What is the village's main attraction for Twain?

8. Describe the chaos in Constantinople as seen by Twain.

9. The men come upon young Jack on the verge of destroying an innocent turtle. What is Jack's issue with the turtle, and what does that tell you about Jack's personality?

10. Twain's caravan stops at a fountain for a rest period on its way to Damascus. What observation does Twain make at this fountain, and how does it make him feel?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Recall Twain's reaction to the statue of a man without skin in Milan. What was his reaction to the statue? What triggered that reaction? What kind of trauma could be suffered by a boy of the age Twain was when he snuck into his father's office when exposed to what he was exposed to at that point? How do you think it affected Twain, given his personality as an adult?

Essay Topic 2

Twain uses other people's words to write his article at times. For example, when in Nazareth, he copies an extract from the Apocryphal New Testament. Why do you think he does this? Twain doesn't strike one as a person in want of words, so why is it important to note that he does quote other writers?

Essay Topic 3

Several members of Twain's group deface ancient ruins and artifacts for souvenirs. Twain even makes a point of telling one member that he is gathering nothing more than old dirt on one occasion. Even that won't deter the man. What are the implications of the defacement? Do you think that this is a moral or state issue? Why? Why do you think Twain includes this in his story? Elaborate.

(see the answer keys)

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