The Innocents Abroad Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Innocents Abroad Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What are the more lively sources of entertainment offered on the ship?
(a) Mock trials.
(b) Music.
(c) All of the answers are correct.
(d) Dancing.

2. To what does Twain compare Como Lake?
(a) Lake of the Ozarks.
(b) Lake Ponchatrain.
(c) Lake Tahoe.
(d) Loch Ness.

3. What obstacle faces the group as they try to enter Athens?
(a) They cannot find a tour guide.
(b) The ship is quarantined for 11 days.
(c) They cannot find food.
(d) They cannot speak the language.

4. What is the one thing the passengers have in common once the ship sets sail?
(a) Seasickness.
(b) Wealth.
(c) Fame.
(d) Poverty.

5. What does Twain say about Italian men in Chapter 20?
(a) They are romantic.
(b) They smell bad.
(c) They are ugly.
(d) They are rude.

Short Answer Questions

1. What decorates the vault beneath the small church in Rome?

2. To what site is the midnight excursion in Athens?

3. What does Twain find mundane about Gibraltar?

4. What holiday is celebrated aboard the ship?

5. What does Twain always have to ask for at the hotels in France?

Short Essay Questions

1. What is the legend associated with the Grotto Del Cane? From what event did this legend arise?

2. Twain is a bit contradictory in his opinions of the French. Outline Twain's opinions and theorize why he might feel that way.

3. Twain has not been very complimentary to the cities/countries he has visited so far, and Italy is doomed to the same fate so far in Chapter 20. He lumps Italy with the other disappointments he has experienced up until that time. What indication does Twain give that he is unhappy with Italy?

4. Twain and his friends finally reach France. However, their first stop, Marseille, is fraught with problems. What are some of these problems? Do you think that some or all of these problems could have been avoided? Why or why not?

5. Venice seems to bring out a flurry of emotions in Twain. He is at first disappointed then excited, and in Chapter 23, eventually bored. Why is Twain eventually bored?

6. Twain's first exposure to another people is when he lands in the Azores Islands. He listens to the people speaking Portuguese and scoffs at the many beggars. What is his first impression of the people of the Azores, and why do you think he feels the way he does about them?

7. We are introduced to a character called the Oracle. How did he earn this moniker? How do Twain and his shipmates feel about this man?

8. Mark Twain chooses to insert some of his well-known humor in his story about the group's capers in Athens. What purpose do you think the humor has in this chapter?

9. Stuck waiting in the tiny town of Annunciation, Twain and his companions decide to attend the theater to see a famous singer perform. What happens at the performance? What does this event do for Twain's opinion of the people who have attended?

10. Describe Twain's experience at Bois de Boulogne. Compare/contrast this experience with Twain's overall experience in France.

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