The Inheritance Games Test | Final Test - Easy

Jennifer Lynn Barnes
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 119 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Inheritance Games Test | Final Test - Easy

Jennifer Lynn Barnes
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 119 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Chapter 70, who is the media consultant?
(a) Elison.
(b) Henry.
(c) Wayne.
(d) Landon.

2. In Chapter 49, who says she is staying at Hawthorne House for the weekend?
(a) Thea.
(b) Max.
(c) Rebecca.
(d) Emily.

3. What does Grayson say Nash will do now that he knows about the shooting?
(a) Try to save Avery.
(b) Kill whoever did it.
(c) Go to jail.
(d) Tell everyone.

4. Who calls Grayson at the foundation?
(a) Xander.
(b) Nash.
(c) Alisa.
(d) Jameson.

5. In Chapter 56, how does Avery get back to Hawthorne House from the woods?
(a) By plane.
(b) On foot.
(c) In an SUV with three bodyguards.
(d) By boat.

6. In Chapter 53, where does Oren take Avery after she is injured?
(a) Wayback Cottage.
(b) Her hometown.
(c) The main house.
(d) The hospital.

7. In Chapter 66, what does Avery have a hard time doing?
(a) Waking up in the morning.
(b) Brushing her hair.
(c) Getting dressed.
(d) Going to dinner.

8. In Chapter 58, why does Max say she has been out of touch lately?
(a) She lost her phone.
(b) Her parents are worried, and Avery has not once asked Max how Max is.
(c) She has a new best friend.
(d) Her mother has died.

9. In Chapter 60, who wants to see Grayson alone?
(a) Zander.
(b) Skye.
(c) Jameson.
(d) Nash.

10. In Chapter 62, who is calling Libby that Avery is upset about?
(a) Their father.
(b) Libby's old teacher.
(c) Their mother.
(d) Libby's best friend.

11. What does Grayson hand to Avery at the foundation that makes her angry at first?
(a) Background checks on her mother and herself.
(b) Headphones.
(c) Money.
(d) A new outfit.

12. What kind of game does Jameson say his grandfather was playing?
(a) A crazy game.
(b) A pointless game.
(c) A long game.
(d) A football game.

13. What does Jameson drink in Chapter 38?
(a) Bourbon.
(b) Beer.
(c) Gin.
(d) Vodka.

14. In Chapter 70, what does Landon tell Avery to say at the gala?
(a) She knows why she is the heir.
(b) She is leaving the foundation.
(c) She is grateful to be alive, and grateful to be there.
(d) She has no comment.

15. What does Rebecca say Emily did to the Hawthorne brothers?
(a) Killed one of them.
(b) Made them think about what they wanted to do with their lives.
(c) Brought them together.
(d) Drove them apart.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who visited the armory recently in Chapter 56?

2. What advice does Oren give Avery about guns?

3. In Chapter 63, what does Nan tell Avery that makes her think Nan is really devious?

4. What did Grayson tell Rebecca killed Emily?

5. In Chapter 52, where do Jameson and Avery go together?

(see the answer keys)

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