The Incendiaries Test | Final Test - Easy

R. O. Kwon
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 108 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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The Incendiaries Test | Final Test - Easy

R. O. Kwon
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 108 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where does Will get the money for his vacation to Cape Cod?
(a) He borrows it from his mother.
(b) He steals it.
(c) Working at Michelangelo's.
(d) His internship in Beijing.

2. How does Phoebe respond when Will asks her about Julian in Chapter 31?
(a) That she is dating him.
(b) That she has not talked to him in awhile.
(c) That Julian left campus.
(d) That Julian is too focused on his studies.

3. What does Leigh bring Will on his birthday?
(a) An ice cream cake.
(b) A brownie.
(c) A box of cookies.
(d) A rhubarb tart.

4. How does Will notice Phoebe's bruises?
(a) While he is zipping her dress.
(b) She shows them to him.
(c) While she is sleeping.
(d) While she is showering.

5. Where is Phi Epsilon's choral recital?
(a) Wyeth Hall.
(b) Sather Hall.
(c) Jewett Hall.
(d) Gibb Hall.

6. What does Phoebe admit about the car accident with her mother in Chapter 30?
(a) That Phoebe was distracted by her cell phone.
(b) That her mother threw herself in front of Phoebe to protect her.
(c) That her mother caused the crash.
(d) That Phoebe was drunk.

7. Of what does Phoebe make a list in Chapter 33?
(a) A list of her classes.
(b) A list of jobs for which she has applied.
(c) A list of men she has dated.
(d) A list of babies who died young.

8. What does Will notice about Leigh's fingernails?
(a) They are very long.
(b) They are bitten.
(c) They are painted black.
(d) They are painted red.

9. Where does Phoebe think that she sees God in Chapter 36?
(a) Inside the Bible.
(b) Inside her textbooks.
(c) Up in the sky.
(d) Underneath a stone.

10. What does Phoebe tell Will she learned about palace eunuchs in China?
(a) They survive on little food.
(b) They are mostly American.
(c) They come from peasant families.
(d) They are treated like pets.

11. What does John Leal tell Phoebe in Chapter 27?
(a) To have sex with him.
(b) To run for class president.
(c) To stop living with Will.
(d) To beg forgiveness for her sins.

12. What does Will try to retrieve from an agent's hand?
(a) Phoebe's journal.
(b) Phoebe's lib balm.
(c) Phoebe's jacket.
(d) Phoebe's hairbrush.

13. Where does John Leal stand to preach to people during the pro-life march?
(a) On top of a horse.
(b) On an upended crate.
(c) On top of a car.
(d) On top of a building.

14. To which writer does Phoebe refer when she discusses her faith with Will in Chapter 25?
(a) St. Francis.
(b) St. Paul.
(c) St. Benedict.
(d) St. Augustine.

15. How does Will know that Phoebe used to love reading?
(a) He sees her childhood books underlined.
(b) He sees her reading late at night.
(c) He reads her essay for an English class.
(d) He reads her blog.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does John Leal recommend Phoebe do with her money?

2. Where does Will remember Phoebe taking him for his birthday?

3. Why does Phoebe feel particularly guilty about the car crash?

4. Where does Phoebe originally want to go in Beijing?

5. Where does Will see Phoebe, after a long absence, in Chapter 31?

(see the answer keys)

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