The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks Test | Final Test - Easy

Rebecca Skloot
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks Test | Final Test - Easy

Rebecca Skloot
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How many years in prison did Zakariyya serve of his sentence before he was released for his second-degree murder conviction?
(a) 2 years.
(b) 7 years.
(c) 12 years.
(d) 9 years.

2. Who is the molecular biologist that founded the Genetics and Public Policy Center at Johns Hopkins University?
(a) Fred Garret.
(b) Christoph Lengauer.
(c) Terry Sharrer.
(d) Kathy Hudson.

3. What was the population at the asylum of Crownsville Hospital when Elsie died in 1955?
(a) 3,200.
(b) 956.
(c) 2,700.
(d) 1,230.

4. In what year did Deborah Lacks separate from her husband and move into an assisted-living apartment of her own, according to the author in Part Three: Immortality, Chapter 38?
(a) 1999.
(b) 2009.
(c) 2010.
(d) 2004.

5. Where did Roland Pattillo grow up?
(a) Georgia.
(b) Arkansas.
(c) Louisiana.
(d) South Carolina.

6. What corporation owns the patents to BRCA1 and BRCA2, the genes responsible for most cases of breast and ovarian cancer?
(a) Myriad Genetics.
(b) Pfizer.
(c) Novartis.
(d) GlaxoSmithKline.

7. In what year was the Coalition for Genetic Fairness formed by several patient and civil rights groups to spearhead genetic nondiscrimination legislation on Capitol Hill?
(a) 2001.
(b) 1997.
(c) 1999.
(d) 1992.

8. Who was the president of the Henrietta Lacks Health History Museum Foundation, Inc., that was established in Turner Station?
(a) Michael Rogers.
(b) Roland Pattillo.
(c) Joseph Lacks.
(d) Courtney Speed.

9. In what year did the U.S. Supreme Court rule on the case of Ananda Mohan Chakrabarty?
(a) 1989.
(b) 1977.
(c) 1980.
(d) 1962.

10. Who was the researcher at Johns Hopkins who showed Deborah her mother's cells?
(a) Roland Pattillo.
(b) Christoph Lengauer.
(c) Walter Nelson-Rees.
(d) Dr. Howard Jones.

11. In what year did Bobbette Lacks discover the truth about HeLa cells and their connection to Henrietta Lacks?
(a) 1973.
(b) 1980.
(c) 1963.
(d) 1976.

12. What type of cancer had John Moore developed at the age of thirty-one?
(a) Hairy-cell leukemia.
(b) Acute Myeloid Leukemia.
(c) Basal Cell Carcinoma.
(d) Burkitt Lymphoma.

13. Who was the young Johns Hopkins researcher that sent a gift to Deborah Lacks by way of Rebecca Skloot when Rebecca met Deborah for the first time?
(a) George Gey.
(b) Dr. Howard Jones.
(c) Christoph Lengauer.
(d) Terry Sharrer.

14. On what date did the law go into effect that required IRB approval and informed consent for all federally funded research?
(a) September 29, 1970.
(b) October 4, 1977.
(c) September 15, 1972.
(d) June 30, 1974.

15. Who told Michael Rogers that Henrietta Lacks was actually the name of the patient whose cells became known as HeLa cells?
(a) Dr. Richard Wesley TeLinde.
(b) Roland Pattillo.
(c) Walter Nelson-Rees.
(d) Dr. Howard Jones.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who is the provost for research at Harvard University that argues in the Afterword that giving patients control over their tissues is shortsighted?

2. When was the Human Genome Project declared complete?

3. When was the Belmont Report issued?

4. Who was the judge that oversaw John Moore's initial case against UCLA?

5. When was the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act passed in the United States?

(see the answer keys)

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