The Image: A Guide to Pseudo-events in America Quiz | Eight Week Quiz B

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The Image: A Guide to Pseudo-events in America Quiz | Eight Week Quiz B

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter II Section I-III.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Boorstin suggests, in Chapter 2 - Section 1, that heroes can now be what?
(a) Copied.
(b) Emulated.
(c) Mass-produced.
(d) Destroyed.

2. What does Boorstin claim increased the ease of creation and transmission of several different types of media?
(a) Media Revolution.
(b) World Wide Web.
(c) Graphic Revolution.
(d) The printing press.

3. What refers to a tendency in contemporary culture characterized by the rejection of objective truth and global cultural narrative or meta-narrative?
(a) Pseudo-event.
(b) Hyper-reality.
(c) Nonreality.
(d) Post-modernism.

4. Established by Boorstin, what is the third way pseudo-events can overshadow real or spontaneous events?
(a) They can be repeated.
(b) They are less dramatic.
(c) They are more dramatic.
(d) They are easier to distribute.

5. What title did Mussolini go by after 3 years in office as Prime Minister?
(a) Il Furor.
(b) Il Deuce.
(c) Il Capitain.
(d) Mein Furor.

Short Answer Questions

1. In Chapter 1 - Section IV, Boorstin suggests that leaks are a form of what by governments?

2. What word means to represent concretely, to externalize?

3. What does Boorstin refer to propaganda as, in Chapter 1- Section IV?

4. What does Boorstin refer to pseudo-events as, in Chapter 1 - Section IV?

5. What word refers to that which is coming or resulting from a natural impulse or tendency, without effort or premeditation, natural and unconstrained?

(see the answer key)

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