The Illuminated Rumi Quiz | Eight Week Quiz G

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 106 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Illuminated Rumi Quiz | Eight Week Quiz G

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 106 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Conclusion, Into the Soup.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Rumi asks when seeing the birds flying in frenzied patterns whether the one he _______ is everywhere.
(a) Worships.
(b) Avoids.
(c) Loves.
(d) Believes.

2. The poet speaks of happiness for an unknown reason, and it becomes easy to ______, though the joy is inexplicable.
(a) Cry.
(b) Smile.
(c) Laugh.
(d) Surrender.

3. Sufis are loved the world over for reminding us that the glory is our ______ reality and the opposite is a kind of language for expressing it.
(a) Outer.
(b) Inner.
(c) Surface.
(d) Lower.

4. Barks writes in the commentary that Rumi was asked once why we wrote so much since he valued ___________.
(a) Truth.
(b) Dance.
(c) Silence.
(d) Music.

5. Rumi's "story gets told in various ways" including all of the following except________. He recommends that others not get too close to him.
(a) A war.
(b) A funeral.
(c) A dirty joke.
(d) A romance.

Short Answer Questions

1. Rumi calls to the reader in the end to let the soul speak through the _________.

2. Barks compares humans talking about God to fish talking about the _________, in his commentary.

3. Rumi decided to answer that he wrote so much because no ________ came from the radiance inside of him.

4. The __________ inside of its cocoon is the metaphor which Rumi uses in order to discuss a man's journey into himself.

5. Rumi doesn't want "wealth and position." He suggests that in this matter he is "______ resisting the most enormous magnet there is."

(see the answer key)

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