The Illearth War Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Illearth War Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is explained to Troy about the time?
(a) It is day and Troy is blind again.
(b) He has been unconscious for a week.
(c) He has been back to his land and re-summoned.
(d) Lord Foul has stopped time.

2. What does Elena reveal about High Lord Kevin to Covenant?
(a) That she has a deep respect for him.
(b) That he had to do what he did or the Land would be no more.
(c) That he is hated by the non-humans.
(d) That she thinks he was evil in some ways.

3. What happens when the army stops for a rest after marching several days?
(a) They are surrounded by trolls.
(b) They are attacked by wolves.
(c) They fall into a magical sleep.
(d) Nothing.

4. Who does Wildwood hate more than humans?
(a) Demonic dragons.
(b) Giants.
(c) Demonic wolves.
(d) Ravers.

5. Who is killed while saving Covenant?
(a) No one.
(b) One of the bloodguard.
(c) Several bloodguard.
(d) One of the Ranyhyn.

6. Who surrounds Troy when he starts to walk?
(a) Several monsters.
(b) His faithful dogs.
(c) His men.
(d) No one.

7. Who does Troy encounter when he goes to visit the place in question #95?
(a) No one.
(b) Trell.
(c) Lord Mhoram.
(d) Elena.

8. How is Covenant feeling after refusing Elena's sexual advances?
(a) Numb.
(b) At peace.
(c) In turmoil.
(d) Regretful.

9. Who almost falls from the effect of what happens under the earth?
(a) Covenant.
(b) Caerroil.
(c) Troy.
(d) Mhoram.

10. What does Troy feel concerning Elena?
(a) He hates her.
(b) He thinks she is unnaturally smitten with Covenant.
(c) He is going to lose her.
(d) He thinks she is going to have a hard time controlling Amok.

11. What does Covenant feel justified in doing?
(a) Sending the Ranyhyn away.
(b) Summoning another Ranyhyn.
(c) Using Bannor for Covenant's own plans.
(d) Manipulating Elena.

12. What is the reason Covenant refuses to believe in the land?
(a) He is afraid of loving again.
(b) He is afraid of being disappointed.
(c) To control what the Land would impose on him.
(d) He thinks he is being duped.

13. Where does Troy decide he has to go?
(a) To try to kill the giant leading Lord Foul's army.
(b) To fight Lord Foul alone.
(c) To High Kevin's watch.
(d) To find Elena.

14. What does Troy try to convince his men of about Garroting Deep?
(a) It is the only choice they have.
(b) They will not die there.
(c) It always protects the good.
(d) It is set up to trap Foul's men but will protect them.

15. What does Caerroil do with the piece of Illearth Stone that Flesharrow carries?
(a) Breaks it.
(b) Plants it.
(c) Throws it in a lava pit.
(d) Leaves it by the tree of life.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Elena do when she comes out of the river after bathing?

2. What does Covenant wonder about Elena's choice?

3. Who believes Elena will choose him?

4. What does Amok say Elena and Covenant must tell him?

5. What bargain does Covenant make with himself?

(see the answer keys)

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