The Idiot Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Idiot Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Aglaya change when she recites from a reading?

2. What happens to General Ivolgin?

3. What does Koyla ask his father to do?

4. When the Prince and Rogozhin get back to Myshkin's house, what have a group of visitors gathered to celebrate?

5. What phrase did Koyla overhear Aglaya say while she was reading Don Quixote?

Short Essay Questions

1. How does Myshkin contradict what Aglaya has told him about Ganja?

2. What leads up to the violence in the park?

3. Why does Hippolite want to kill himself?

4. How would Myshkin probably act, if he were in Lebedev's place in the disagreement between Lebedev and General Ivolgin?

5. Why hasn't Myshkin visited the Yephanchins?

6. How do the guests at the Yephanchins' react to Myshkin's response to Radomsky's political views?

7. What does Myskhin's view of dueling seem to be?

8. What does Keller ask Myshkin for?

9. How does Aglaya react to winning and losing at games?

10. What does Ganja report about Burdovsky's relationship with Pavlishtchev?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Discuss the role of family in the characters' lives.

1) How do the characters' families and social positions affect their lives? How do family relationships affect how the characters are accepted by society?

2) How does it affect Nastassya that her parents are killed when she is young? How do the characters' upbringings affect their personalities and attitudes?

3) How do the characters' families try to influence the characters' lives and decisions? What forces do families use to influence family members' behavior.

Essay Topic 2

In the society depicted in the novel, marriage is an important institution. The characters try to arrange marriages for themselves and for others. Discuss marriage in the novel.

1) How do the characters choose who they want to marry? How does Myshkin decide first to marry Aglaya and then Nastassya? How does Nastassya determine to marry Myshkin, and then run off with Rogozhin?

2) How do family members influence marriage? How do Aglaya's parents think of their daughter's marriage? What influence do they have on her marriage?

3) How does society view marriage? What relation does money and social position have to marriage? Does society influence the marriage choices that the characters make?

Essay Topic 3

Discuss beauty and women in the novel.

1) How do the characters treat beautiful women differently from women who are not beautiful, or who are less beautiful? How is beauty valued in the society and by Myshkin?

2) Why is Nastassya introduced to Myshkin first by a picture? What does Myshkin know about Nastassya, based on her picture? How does Nastassya's beauty affect her life and her character?

3) How does Aglaya's beauty affect her life and her character? Does it change her personality? How would her life be different if she were not beautiful?

(see the answer keys)

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