The Idiot Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Idiot Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Ganja feel about HIppolite?
(a) Ganja loves Hippolite as a brother.
(b) Ganja doesn't care about Hippolite.
(c) Ganja hates Hippolite.
(d) Ganja admires Hippolite.

2. How does Madam Yephanchin feel about the Prince's visitors?
(a) She is bored with the people who are visiting Myshkin.
(b) She likes the people who are visiting Myshkin.
(c) She is envious of the people who are visiting Myshkin.
(d) She dislikes the people who are visiting Myshkin.

3. Who does Myshkin stop one of the officer friends of the Yephanshins from hitting?
(a) Aglaya.
(b) Radomsky.
(c) Madam Yephanchin.
(d) Nastassya.

4. At Madam Yephanchin's gathering, who argues that Burdovsky did not take advantage of Myshkin?
(a) Alexandrai.
(b) Radomsky.
(c) Madam Yephanchin.
(d) Aglaya.

5. Who tells Myshkin that the duel with the officer has been called off?
(a) Hippolite.
(b) Madame Yephanchin.
(c) Lebedev.
(d) Radomsky.

Short Answer Questions

1. When the Prince and Rogozhin get back to Myshkin's house, what have a group of visitors gathered to celebrate?

2. How long does Ganja tell Myshkin that Nastassya has been in town?

3. What does the note Varya finds on Ganja's desk ask for?

4. What animal does Aglaya buy from Koyla?

5. Who does Lebedev think stole his missing money?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Keller ask Myshkin for?

2. Why hasn't Myshkin visited the Yephanchins?

3. How does Aglaya react to winning and losing at games?

4. How does Myshkin treat Rogozhin, after Rogozhin tried to kill him?

5. How does Myshkin feel, when he gets to Madam Yephanchin and is sitting at the table with Aglaya and the other guests?

6. How does General Ivolgin act when he talks to Myshkin after his argument with Lebedev?

7. What does Ganja report about Burdovsky's relationship with Pavlishtchev?

8. What does Myskhin's view of dueling seem to be?

9. What does Aglaya say to Myshkin, after her proposal to him?

10. How does Myshkin answer Nastassya's question to him, and what is Rogozhin's response?

(see the answer keys)

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