The Ice Limit Test | Final Test - Medium

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The Ice Limit Test | Final Test - Medium

Lincoln Child
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 165 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Chapter 79, why does help refuse to come for the Rolvaag?
(a) There are no ships willing to sail into the Ice Limit.
(b) The storm is too strong.
(c) There are no helicopters that can fly that far.
(d) There are no ships in the area.

2. In Chapter 72, why does Glinn instruct his men to turn off the radar jamming equipment and ask Britton to cut the engines?
(a) To force Vallenar close enough for them to fire on his ship.
(b) To make Vallenar come close enough to damage his ship on their wake.
(c) To make Vallenar believe they are dead in the water.
(d) To attract the attention of a nearby naval base.

3. In Chapter 53, how long does it take for the meteorite to become settled on the tower that will lower it into the cargo hold?
(a) Forty-five minutes.
(b) Twenty-four hours.
(c) Two hours.
(d) Twenty minutes.

4. What is the cradle where the meteorite is to sit in the ship designed for?
(a) To keep the meteorite from releasing a jolt of electricity.
(b) To keep the meteorite from crushing someone.
(c) To keep the meteorite from being damaged.
(d) To keep the meteorite from shifting.

5. In Chapter 83, what does Britton ask Glinn to do?
(a) Trigger the dead man switch.
(b) Release the tarp on the meteorite.
(c) Marry her.
(d) Leave on a lifeboat with her.

Short Answer Questions

1. In Chapter 62, how many men did the Almirante Ramirez lose in the attempt to fix the propellers?

2. In Chapter 57, what does Britton say she thinks of Glinn's mental state?

3. In the final chapter of the novel, where do the survivors find themselves three days after rescue?

4. In Chapter 72, what does Britton believe finally proved Glinn human?

5. In Chapter 56, why does Vallenar think the Rolvaag is still moored to the cliffs despite the incoming storm?

Short Essay Questions

1. In Chapter 65, what danger does Glinn identify for the Rolvaag? What action does he recommend taking against it?

2. When McFarlane is on the phone with Lloyd in Chapter 49 he explains when the meteorite will be moved and learns about an impending problem for the expedition. McFarlane also senses that Lloyd is planning something. How will the meteorite be moved, what impending problem is coming, and what is Lloyd up to?

3. What revelation does Glinn make in chapter 68 that explains Vallenar's odd behavior?

4. Why does Britton suggest in Chapter 57 that they will all go to jail when they return to America? What is Glinn's response?

5. What nautical destination does Glinn assume will cause the Almirante Ramirez stop its pursuit of the Rolvaag? Why? Does it?

6. What conclusion does McFarlane announce to Lloyd in the final chapter of the book? Is this conclusion accurate.

7. What assumption does Vallenar make in Chapter 56 when he realizes the Rolvaag is leaving Isle Desolacion? What does he do?

8. Where does Glinn advise Britton to take the ship in Chapter 74? What argument does Britton make against this plan?

9. What happens in Chapter 77 when the Almirante Ramirez comes around the corner of the ice island and faces the Rolvaag?

10. In Chapter 69, what does McFarlane realized caused the electrical discharge from the meteorite in the cargo hold? What does he plan to do about it?

(see the answer keys)

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