The Ice Limit Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Lincoln Child
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The Ice Limit Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Lincoln Child
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 165 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Lloyd want to call the meteorite?
(a) Rolvaag meteorite.
(b) Desolation meteorite.
(c) Chilean meteorite.
(d) Lloyd meteorite.

2. Where did Wilson Atcitty find a large bone protruding from a sandstone wall as described in Chapter 3?
(a) On the Arizona-New Mexico border.
(b) On the border of California and Mexico.
(c) In Chile.
(d) In Alaska.

3. For what reason is it revealed in Chapter 9 Captain Britton went to rehab?
(a) Alcohol.
(b) Bulemia.
(c) Anorexia.
(d) Illegal drugs.

4. In Chapter 42, how does Timmer find the door to the tunnel where the meteorite sits?
(a) He sees people milling around the open door.
(b) He sees light beneath a keg of nails.
(c) He forces the guard to tell him before he kills him.
(d) He sees the guard come from a steel door hidden under a insignificant worker's tent.

5. Who does McFarlane and Amira see jogging in foul weather on the deck of the Rolvaag in Chapter 20?
(a) Howell.
(b) Bramwell.
(c) Glinn.
(d) Britton.

Short Answer Questions

1. In Chapter 39, what does the letter Vallenar reads tell him about the Rolvaag's mining expedition on Isla Desolacion?

2. What natural landmark marks the area where Masangkay made his camp?

3. What is Isla Desolacion?

4. What type of ship has Glinn purchased for the recovery of the meteorite?

5. What is an island of stability?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why does Glinn insist that McFarlane accompany him to the island where they will be interviewed by customs? Why does Glinn want himself and McFarlane to present fake passports when they arrive in Chile?

2. What crime does Puppup tell Glinn Vallenar once committed? What was calculated about this crime?

3. Why does Glinn gather his team and suggest they end the expedition in Chapter 35? Do they?

4. What story of the Ice Limit does Britton tell the people at her table during the first dinner on board the Rolvaag? What famous writer wrote a story about this incident? How is this incident related to Captain Britton? What is important about this story?

5. What does McFarlane learn about Amira's relationship with Glinn in Chapter 38 that sheds light on Glinn's personality?

6. Why does Glinn's team make an effort to make the ship they are preparing for the expedition look older than it really is?

7. Where does Glinn find Captain Britton? How does this pertain to her decision to take the job he has offered her?

8. What report does McFarlane find in Amira's quarters in Chapter 37? What does this report say? How does McFarlane feel about this report?

9. What strikes McFarlane as luxurious when he boards the Rolvaag for the first time? What is Glinn's explanation for this unexpected luxury?

10. What causes a near collision in Chapter 18 with the Rolvaag? What does this suggest about the dangers of the expedition?

(see the answer keys)

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