The Ice Limit Test | Final Test - Easy

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The Ice Limit Test | Final Test - Easy

Lincoln Child
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 165 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Chapter 65, what does Glinn realize the Almirante Ramirez has really done?
(a) Forced them to surrender.
(b) Blocked off all means of escape.
(c) Trapped them against a reef.
(d) Forced them to drop the meteorite.

2. In Chapter 83, what does Britton ask Glinn to do?
(a) Trigger the dead man switch.
(b) Marry her.
(c) Leave on a lifeboat with her.
(d) Release the tarp on the meteorite.

3. In Chapter 71, why can McFarlane not use his hand held radio to contact the bridge?
(a) The thickness of the ship's hull.
(b) It could disrupt the computer systems on the bridge.
(c) Radio transmission disruption from the meteorite.
(d) The interference from salt water.

4. In the final chapter of the novel, where do the survivors find themselves three days after rescue?
(a) A New York City hotel.
(b) A Chilean hospital.
(c) A Peruvian hospital.
(d) A British scientific station.

5. In Chapter 61, what type of ship does Lloyd hope is following them into international waters?
(a) An American military vessel.
(b) A Chilean military vessel.
(c) An American tanker.
(d) A merchant ship.

6. In Chapter 60, who gets credit for keeping the cradle design simple in order to make the welding quick?
(a) Rochefort.
(b) Glinn.
(c) McFarlane.
(d) Garza.

7. In Chapter 57, what does Glinn want Puppup to do?
(a) Tell them where they can safely hide from the Almirante Ramirez.
(b) Direct the Rolvaag into an inner cove.
(c) Radio Chilean authorities to force Vallenar to back off of them.
(d) Direct the Rolvaag safely through the reefs.

8. In Chapter 70, what is Vallenar's greatest fear as the waves begin to take their toll on his ship?
(a) He will not be able to retrieve the meteorite for Chile.
(b) He will not see his son again.
(c) He will not be able to complete his mission.
(d) He will die.

9. In Chapter 50, Vallenar learns he has been issued a second order to do what?
(a) Arrest Glinn.
(b) Continue on his previous assignment.
(c) Return to base.
(d) Arrest Lloyd.

10. In Chapter 83, who accompanies Glinn to the abandoned cargo hold?
(a) Rochefort.
(b) Puppup.
(c) Garza.
(d) Amira.

11. In Chapter 69, what does Amira suggest set off the electrical charge?
(a) Nothing, it was random.
(b) Someone hit it with the heat of a torch.
(c) Someone touched it.
(d) Nothing, it did not happen.

12. In Chapter 45, Glinn makes a comment about the mysterious dead man in Spanish. What does this statement suggest to both McFarlane and the reader?
(a) Glinn has no clue who the man was or who sent him.
(b) Glinn thinks the man was sent by Vallenar.
(c) Glinn speaks in Spanish when he does not want anyone to know what he is saying.
(d) Glinn is having a nervous breakdown.

13. In Chapter 66, why does a man on the Almirante Ramirez refuses a direct order?
(a) He believes Vallenar is working outside his authorization.
(b) He believes Vallenar killed several crewmembers without good cause.
(c) He does not like Vallenar.
(d) He believes they should be sailing faster.

14. In Chapter 52, why does Glinn have Lloyd locked in his suite on the Rolvaag?
(a) He attempts to overrule Britton's control of the bridge.
(b) He refuses to pay Glinn for his services.
(c) He attempts to interfere in Glinn's plan for the Almirante Ramirez.
(d) He attempts to call the Chilean government for help.

15. In Chapter 72, why does Glinn instruct his men to turn off the radar jamming equipment and ask Britton to cut the engines?
(a) To force Vallenar close enough for them to fire on his ship.
(b) To make Vallenar believe they are dead in the water.
(c) To make Vallenar come close enough to damage his ship on their wake.
(d) To attract the attention of a nearby naval base.

Short Answer Questions

1. In Chapter 53 Britton realizes Glinn is using what feature of the ship to help raise the ship to the level of the bluff in order to move the meteorite onto the tower built out of the cargo hold to safely lower the meteorite into the ship?

2. In Chapter 48, what threat does Vallenar make when Glinn refuses to return Timmer to him?

3. What is the meaning of the term, dead in the water?

4. In Chapter 51, Glinn reveals that EES controls what vital component of the Rolvaag?

5. In Chapter 51, what does the Almirante Ramirez do that causes tension on the Rolvaag's bridge?

(see the answer keys)

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