The Ice Limit Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Lincoln Child
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The Ice Limit Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Lincoln Child
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 165 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who is the author of the story mentioned in Chapter 12, 'Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket'?
(a) Stephen King.
(b) Stephen Crane.
(c) Edgar Allen Poe.
(d) T.S. Eliot.

2. What does McFarlane want to call the meteorite?
(a) Masangkay meteorite.
(b) McFarlane meteorite.
(c) EES meteorite.
(d) MasanFarlane meteorite.

3. What is Brambell doing in Chapter 32 that he is forced to put aside to conduct the examination of Masangkay's remains?
(a) Reading.
(b) Watching television.
(c) Eating.
(d) Writing.

4. How does Glinn plan to keep the meteorite stable during travel?
(a) By placing it in a cradle.
(b) By placing it in a shipping container.
(c) By tying it down with cargo straps.
(d) By wrapping it plastic.

5. What is the weather like in Chapter 1 as Masangkay unearths part of his find?
(a) Rainy.
(b) Dry.
(c) Hot.
(d) Snowy.

6. In Chapter 38, Amira tells McFarlane that she collected what unusual arachnid?
(a) Tarantulas.
(b) Black widows.
(c) Scorpions.
(d) Brown recluse.

7. What happens in Chapter 33 when Glinn orders the power stopped to all the jacks under the meteorite?
(a) The jacks drop the meteorite.
(b) The jacks lock up.
(c) The jacks fall too quickly.
(d) The jacks fail.

8. For what reason is it revealed in Chapter 9 Captain Britton went to rehab?
(a) Alcohol.
(b) Bulemia.
(c) Anorexia.
(d) Illegal drugs.

9. What does McFarlane do to Masangkay's remains in Chapter 22?
(a) Buries them.
(b) Leaves them exposed to the elements.
(c) Gathers them together to take back to the ship.
(d) Covers them with rocks.

10. In Chapter 36, Puppup claims to have inherited the remaining treasures of the Yaghan Indians. What does he say he did with it?
(a) Sold it and gave it to his wife's family.
(b) Hid it on a remote island.
(c) Gave it to a museum.
(d) Sold it and drank the profits.

11. What state does the meteorite become when it reaches its melting point?
(a) Gas.
(b) Semi-liquid.
(c) Liquid.
(d) Vapor.

12. What type of ship has Glinn purchased for the recovery of the meteorite?
(a) A military destroyer.
(b) A aircraft carrier.
(c) A cruise ship.
(d) An oil tanker.

13. In Chapter 41, what does Garza call the plan that they intend to use to move the meteorite from the staging site to the bluffs above the Rolvaag?
(a) Cut and cover.
(b) Run and hide.
(c) Cover and run.
(d) Hide and dash.

14. What does Amira suggest is off about the color of the meteorite, as she explains in Chapter 25?
(a) It is paint put on the meteorite by jokesters.
(b) No known metal alloys can create such a color.
(c) It is only a reflection of the soil around it.
(d) No meteorite in history has ever been that color.

15. Why does Vallenar dislike disposable razors as discussed in Chapter 28?
(a) They do not shave closely enough.
(b) Two blades are not enough to give a good shave.
(c) They are cheap.
(d) Two blades are a waste when one is good enough. It is typical of American inventions.

Short Answer Questions

1. How big does Garza believe the meteorite is as discussed in Chapter 31?

2. In Chapter 38, McFarlane recognizes the twin fangs of Hanuxa as what geological formations?

3. Who does Glinn reveal has the only key to the dead man switch in Chapter 13?

4. In Chapter 36, Glinn claims his great-great-great grandfather kidnapped what relative of Puppup's?

5. In Chapter 42, what covers the sounds of Timmer's approach as he infiltrates the perimeter of the staging area?

(see the answer keys)

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