The Hunger Games Test | Final Test - Medium

Suzanne Collins
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 165 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Hunger Games Test | Final Test - Medium

Suzanne Collins
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 165 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What sign does Katniss find on the rocks that tells her she is on the right track in her search for Peeta and Part 3, Chapter 19?
(a) Clothing.
(b) A lean-to near the stream.
(c) Blood stains.
(d) A hidden message written in mud.

2. What are Katniss and Peeta forced to watch during the ceremony to celebrate their win of the Hunger Games?
(a) A speech by the president.
(b) A recap of all the deaths suffered at their hands.
(c) A recap of the entire games.
(d) A recap of their rescue from the arena.

3. What is the one thing Rue tells Katniss she loves most in the world?
(a) Music.
(b) Literature.
(c) Dancing.
(d) Nature.

4. What does Rue tell Katniss the sunglasses in her backpack are used for?
(a) To shade her eyes from the sun.
(b) To give her xray vision.
(c) To see in darkness.
(d) To allow her to see heat signatures of the other tributes.

5. How does Katniss purify the water she finds at the end of Part 2, Chapter 12?
(a) With hydrogen peroxide.
(b) With a purifying machine.
(c) With iodine.
(d) With alcohol.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who does Katniss think of when she thinks of all the kisses she and Peeta have shared since arriving in the cave?

2. What roles do Katniss and Peeta chose for themselves in regards to providing for their continuing survival?

3. How many times is Katniss wounded in her own attack on the Careers in Part 2, Chapter 14?

4. What was Katniss and Rue's signal to alert one another that they are still safe?

5. What item does Katniss tell Rue in Part 2, Chapter 16 that she plans to steal from the Careers' supplies?

Short Essay Questions

1. Where is Katniss when she becomes aware that the Careers have approached her hiding place? Who else does Katniss become aware of in close proximity to her?

2. Who rigged the explosives around the Career's food that Katniss detonates in Part 2, Chapter 16? Why?

3. Who dies in Part 3, Chapter 24? How?

4. What shocking thing happens in the end of Part 2, Chapter 18 that causes Katniss to possibly give away her location by calling out Peeta's name?

5. What does Katniss find when she goes searching for Rue? How does Katniss react in this situation in Part 2, Chapter 17?

6. Who attacks Katniss in Part 3, Chapter 21 as she attempts to retrieve the backpack at the feast? What happens to Katniss' attacker?

7. Who is the first to tell Katniss that Peeta has lost his leg? How does she react?

8. What does Katniss learn about Peeta on the first night of the games? What does she believe this means about his strategy?

9. Why does Peeta not want Katniss to go to the feast in Part 3, Chapter 20 even though it could mean healing medicine for him? What does Katniss do?

10. What item is Katniss in search of during the second day in the games? Why has this become an urgent need for Katniss?

(see the answer keys)

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