The Hundred Dresses Test | Final Test - Easy

Eleanor Estes
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 165 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Hundred Dresses Test | Final Test - Easy

Eleanor Estes
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 165 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which character's mother is hemming her daughter's dress in the illustration at the beginning of "The Contest"?
(a) Maddie.
(b) Peggy.
(c) Cecile.
(d) Wanda.

2. What is the weather like on the day when the winners of the drawing contest are announced?
(a) It is foggy.
(b) It is windy.
(c) It is drizzling.
(d) It is sunny.

3. What does Maddie ultimately decide about Peggy's statement regarding who deserves the credit for Wanda's win?
(a) She sees some merit in it.
(b) She accepts it as true.
(c) She decides that they can never know for sure.
(d) She rejects it as untrue.

4. What color is used to describe the appearance of the bay on the girls' walk home from Boggins Heights?
(a) Gray.
(b) Turquoise.
(c) White.
(d) Blue.

5. With what objects had Maddie's mother tried to disguise the second-hand nature of Maddie's dress?
(a) Trimmings.
(b) Patches.
(c) Darts.
(d) Galvanized thread and a needle.

6. The contest at the center of the narrative is said to be "a drawing and" what "contest" (38)?
(a) Portrait.
(b) Writing.
(c) Shading.
(d) Color.

7. Just before Maddie destroys the note she is writing to Peggy, Maddie thinks about the possibility that which character may point out the second-hand nature of Maddie's dress?
(a) Peggy.
(b) Miss Mason.
(c) Cecile.
(d) Wanda.

8. Maddie and Peggy are "among the first to" (44) take what action after the contest winners are announced?
(a) To choose cupcakes.
(b) To notice Wanda's absence.
(c) To reach the blackboard so they may view the drawings.
(d) To take one of the drawings off the wall.

9. Which party is NOT mentioned among Maddie's list of people who may provide answers about Wanda's whereabouts?
(a) The school janitor with whom Jake had worked.
(b) The post office.
(c) Miss Mason.
(d) Old man Svenson.

10. Which members of the class in Room 13 are tasked with submitting designs for motorboats?
(a) The girls.
(b) Students with last names beginning with letters A through L.
(c) The boys.
(d) Students with last names beginning with letters M through Z.

11. On what type of material had Wanda sketched designs for her 100 entries into the drawing contest?
(a) Newsprint.
(b) Cardboard.
(c) Wrapping paper.
(d) Tissue paper.

12. What term is NOT used to describe the milieu of the moment at which Peggy and Maddie set off toward Boggins Heights?
(a) Damp.
(b) Drizzly.
(c) Dark.
(d) Dismal.

13. Maddie worries that guilt about her own role in Wanda's torment will keep her from enjoying future hikes with which character?
(a) Miss Mason.
(b) Cecile.
(c) Peggy.
(d) Jack.

14. What promise does Maddie make to herself at the end of the chapter entitled "Up On Boggins Heights"?
(a) She promises to speak up when she encounters injustice.
(b) She promises to befriend old man Svenson.
(c) She promises to break off her friendship with Peggy.
(d) She promises to find Wanda.

15. What is NOT one of the three things Maddie would like to tell Wanda on behalf of herself and Peggy if there is still time to do so?
(a) They are sorry for their cruelty.
(b) She won the drawing contest.
(c) They think she is smart.
(d) Her 100 dresses are beautiful.

Short Answer Questions

1. The writer of the letter to Miss Mason that arrives on the day of the contest states that there will be "plenty of" (45) what in the family's next community?

2. Maddie's visions of defending Wanda are said to be ineffective for what reason?

3. During what time of day do Maddie and Peggy start walking to Boggins Heights?

4. Which character mispronounces Wanda's last name in the chapter entitled "Up on Boggins Heights"?

5. Who first notices that one drawing of a blue dress has details that correspond to Wanda's prior explanations to the other girls in the class?

(see the answer keys)

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