The Hundred Dresses Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Eleanor Estes
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 165 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Hundred Dresses Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Eleanor Estes
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 165 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What color had Cecile's new items of clothing been on the day when the hundred dresses game began?
(a) White.
(b) Red.
(c) Green.
(d) Blue.

2. What is the name of the student who is chronically late to class?
(a) Ned.
(b) Nick.
(c) Jack.
(d) Bill.

3. On what day of the week does the narrative begin?
(a) Wednesday.
(b) Monday.
(c) Friday.
(d) Tuesday.

4. As the girls gather around Cecile admiring her new articles of clothing, Maddie sits down to complete what task?
(a) To create a piece of chalk art.
(b) To eat her breakfast.
(c) To finish her homework.
(d) To tie her shoes.

5. Who had called the weather "bright blue" (19) on the day of the hundred dresses game's invention?
(a) Peggy.
(b) Maddie.
(c) Wanda.
(d) Cecile.

6. What is the name of the classroom teacher featured within the narrative?
(a) Mr. Mason.
(b) Miss Mason.
(c) Dr. Mason.
(d) Mrs. Mason.

7. The girls in the group of bullies are said to take what action in relation to Wanda, besides during their short periods of torment?
(a) They treat her politely.
(b) They ignore her.
(c) They forget about her.
(d) They

8. Which character is described as being not quite "as poor as Wanda perhaps" (17)?
(a) Maddie.
(b) Jack.
(c) Mabel.
(d) Peggy.

9. What quality does Wanda's lone dress always exhibit?
(a) It is dirty.
(b) It is torn.
(c) It is too short.
(d) It is wrinkled.

10. What was NOT among the comments made by the various girls admiring Cecile's new outfit?
(a) One girl said that her father had just been laid off, so she had not been able to buy a new dress for the school year.
(b) One girl said that she planned to force her mother to buy her an outfit like Cecile's.
(c) One girl said that her mother had just bought her a dress made of one of the Stuart plaids.
(d) One girl said that she had just gotten a new dress for dancing school.

11. Which character begins to be bothered by the dresses game?
(a) Peggy.
(b) Mr. Mason.
(c) Maddie.
(d) Mrs. Mason.

12. Which student does the narrator sarcastically blame for the tardiness of Peggy and Maddie on a particular day?
(a) Old man Svenson.
(b) Jack.
(c) Wanda.
(d) Jake.

13. In what way is Wanda's rare smile described?
(a) Crooked.
(b) Timid.
(c) Wry.
(d) Waning.

14. With what object had Maddie been playing when Wanda came walking along with her brother Jake as the rest of the girls were admiring Cecile's new clothing?
(a) A pair of roller skates.
(b) A bottle cap.
(c) A snowman.
(d) A piece of broken mirror.

15. The girls' first emotional response to hearing Wanda's claim quickly turns into what emotion instead?
(a) Disinterest.
(b) Excitement.
(c) Scorn.
(d) Suspicion.

Short Answer Questions

1. When Peggy asks Wanda the questions associated with the dresses game, she does so using what kind of voice?

2. Who claims that Wanda has 100 dresses hanging in her closet at home?

3. Who is the ringleader of the group that bullies Wanda?

4. With whom does Wanda live in a small frame house not far beyond the home of old man Svenson?

5. What kind of a dancer is Cecile?

(see the answer keys)

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