The Hundred Days Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Hundred Days Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who disagrees with Aubrey about Mustapha?
(a) Thornton.
(b) Graham.
(c) Ismail.
(d) Maturin.

2. Why is Thornton angry with Aubrey when he returns to the blockade?
(a) He tried to rile up the French.
(b) He was late returning.
(c) He did not engage the French.
(d) He violated neutrality rules.

3. What surprises Aubrey when he sees the Drayad after the battle?
(a) There are women on board.
(b) There is a hole in the hull.
(c) There are dead bodies on the deck.
(d) A French flag is flying.

4. What is the Worcester declared when it gets to the meeting point after the conflict at the blockade?
(a) In need of repair.
(b) Challenged.
(c) Unfit for duty.
(d) Demoted to a trade ship.

5. What disappoints Aubrey as he leaves the harbor where the French were anchored?
(a) They do not recognize him.
(b) They do not send a message.
(c) They do not fire on him.
(d) They fire on him.

6. What causes the Ionaion Region's political climate to dissolve at the end of the book?
(a) The negotiations with the French.
(b) The bad weather.
(c) Harte's treachery.
(d) Aubrey's choice of Sciahan.

7. What does Aubrey do when Maturin is not at the rendezvous point?
(a) Catches up on paperwork.
(b) Goes looking for an old lover.
(c) Starts some music on the ship.
(d) Sends a foraging party to shore.

8. What does Maturin call the clandestine rendezvous?
(a) A mistake.
(b) A delegation.
(c) A necessary evil.
(d) A farce.

9. Who is wounded at the clandestine rendezvous?
(a) Sosa.
(b) Graham.
(c) Aubrey.
(d) Maturin.

10. What is important for Aubrey to know about the potentates he will be meeting with?
(a) They hate each other.
(b) They are leaning towards the French alliance.
(c) They are not intelligent.
(d) They are destitute.

11. What kind of sickness does Aubrey get while Maturin is gone?
(a) A gash on his arm.
(b) A cold.
(c) Gout in his foot.
(d) A rash.

12. Where does Sciahan live?
(a) Molda.
(b) Minstrin.
(c) Meter.
(d) Marga.

13. What does Thornton tell captains in the blockade to do once the French have broken through?
(a) Act independantly.
(b) Enact the spy catcher plan.
(c) Keep the blockade.
(d) Follow his lead.

14. Who disagrees with Aubrey about Ismail?
(a) Harte.
(b) Pullings.
(c) Maturin.
(d) Graham.

15. What is Thornton desperate for after his time on the blockade?
(a) Some combat.
(b) To be on land.
(c) Peace.
(d) Word from his family.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Aubrey not think Ismail can win?

2. What shatters the internal structure of the Worcester?

3. What does Aubrey not like about Mustapha's ambitions?

4. How does Aubrey describe Mustapha?

5. What allows the French to break through the blockade?

(see the answer keys)

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