The Housing Lark Test | Final Test - Medium

Sam Selvon
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The Housing Lark Test | Final Test - Medium

Sam Selvon
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 208 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. On the summer night when everyone gathers at Bat's apartment, how does Bat prepare for their visit?
(a) He hides all of his valuables.
(b) He gets a loan from Jean to hide his own thefts.
(c) He goes to the market to get rum, limes, and soda.
(d) He hurries out and gathers housing listings.

2. When Bat tells his friends that they are "stupid," and Alfy agrees that this is true "in the past tense," what is Alfy implying (60)?
(a) His friends were angry, before, but they have calmed down.
(b) His other friends are being foolish to ask for their money back.
(c) The friends might feel differently if Bat has actually made some progress.
(d) The friends were unwise to trust Bat in the first place.

3. What does Gallows take from a pile of trash when he, Syl, Pat, and Bat are looking for a hotel room?
(a) A bottle of rum.
(b) An old camera.
(c) A piece of wood.
(d) A five-pound note.

4. After Nobby gets rid of his dog, what does he tell his landlady happened to it?
(a) It ran away because the door was open.
(b) It was poisoned.
(c) It fell from his balcony.
(d) It died in surgery.

5. In his discussion of Syl's behavior with women, what does the narrator compare women to?
(a) Bottles of rum being drunk by Syl.
(b) Whales being hunted by Syl.
(c) Butterflies being captured by Syl.
(d) Flowers being tended by Syl.

Short Answer Questions

1. Which phrase that Bat allegedly reads from the housing listings on page 61 is a clue that he might be lying?

2. After they ask for it back, where does Bat tell the men the money they gave him is, right now?

3. When, on page 83, the narrator says that "Trinidadians does thirst after fete as pants the hart for crystal streams," what is the Trinidadians' love for "fete" being compared to?

4. When Harry is wandering through Piccadilly Circus, still high from smoking with Poor, what is he thinking about?

5. When Bat is trying to seduce Matilda in his apartment after she suggests the excursion, besides flattering her, what else does he tell her?

Short Essay Questions

1. What about the timing of the mens' plan to buy a house makes the narrator think they were never serious to begin with?

2. What story about finding money did Alfy once tell Gallows?

3. What evidence is there that Gallows understands Bat's intentions during the search for the hotel?

4. What details does the narrator give about the excursion crowd's clothing and the things they are carrying, and what do these details imply?

5. What does Teena expect from Fitz during the excursion, and how does he get out of doing what she asks?

6. When they are talking near the park, what truths does Jean reveal to Harry about Bat and his friends?

7. What tactics does Syl use to try to get Pat to sleep with him that violate modern Western standards of consent?

8. When the friends come to Bat's apartment to ask for their money back, what does the narrator mean when he says that Bat "shake the lists as if they was cheques" (60)?

9. When the friends come to Bat's apartment to ask for their money back, how does Bat use their feelings for Harry to manipulate them?

10. How does Bat manipulate the situation so that he is the one who ends up with Pat?

(see the answer keys)

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