The Housing Lark Test | Final Test - Easy

Sam Selvon
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 208 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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The Housing Lark Test | Final Test - Easy

Sam Selvon
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 208 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. According to the narrator, why is the idea of the excursion so popular in Brixton?
(a) There is little else to do in Brixton.
(b) The summer heat is more bearable in the countryside.
(c) Hamdon Court is a famous site in Britain.
(d) People are eager to start the summer with a party.

2. How does Jean surprise Gallows when he runs into her near the park where she is looking for clients?
(a) She asks him to drop out of the housing plan.
(b) She tells him she is thinking of marrying Harry.
(c) She gives him two shillings and six pence.
(d) She offers to set him up with a friend of hers.

3. Which phrase that Bat allegedly reads from the housing listings on page 61 is a clue that he might be lying?
(a) "Large selection."
(b) "Our mortgage facilities."
(c) "All part of the country."
(d) "Highly-residential houses."

4. What time of year is it when the men first come up with the plan to buy a house?
(a) Fall.
(b) Summer.
(c) Spring.
(d) Winter.

5. From the narrator's explanation of how dogs are treated in the West Indies, what is it reasonable to conclude?
(a) He wishes that he had a dog of his own.
(b) He thinks that the English spoil their dogs.
(c) He is embarrassed about how West Indians treat animals.
(d) He thinks that West Indians treat dogs more like family members than the English do.

6. When Harry is wandering through Piccadilly Circus, still high from smoking with Poor, what is he thinking about?
(a) Being a famous musician.
(b) Owning his own house.
(c) Missing his family in Montego Bay.
(d) Marrying Jean.

7. How does Jean react when Gallows tells her about the legal danger Poor has placed Harry in?
(a) She curses Poor.
(b) She feigns disinterest.
(c) She offers to help find Harry.
(d) She mocks Harry's gullibility.

8. What does Nobby tell his landlady he has named the dog?
(a) Flossie.
(b) Tiger.
(c) Pumpkin.
(d) Sarah.

9. Which of the friends urges the others to give Bat a chance to explain what is happening with the housing plan?
(a) Poor.
(b) Alfy.
(c) Gallows.
(d) Nobby.

10. What does Gallows toss to Syl as he leaves him outside the final hotel?
(a) A piece of wood.
(b) A bus token.
(c) A roll of film.
(d) A cigarette.

11. When Gallows looks at the pavement of Bayswater Road, what does it make him wonder about London?
(a) He wonders why the city's rich people are so careless with trash.
(b) He wonders how the city chooses pavement companies.
(c) He wonders why there are not more accidents on the city's terrible roads.
(d) He wonders whether the city's streets are really paved with gold.

12. On page 81, what description of his own demeanor does Bat give when he is persuading Syl to let him be the one to go into the final hotel to ask for a room?
(a) "Hypnotic."
(b) "Optimistic."
(c) "Diplomatic."
(d) "Aristocratic."

13. Where do the group of friends deliberately leave Gallows behind?
(a) The bus.
(b) The restrooms.
(c) The maze.
(d) The palace.

14. When Bat tells his friends that they are "stupid," and Alfy agrees that this is true "in the past tense," what is Alfy implying (60)?
(a) The friends were unwise to trust Bat in the first place.
(b) His other friends are being foolish to ask for their money back.
(c) His friends were angry, before, but they have calmed down.
(d) The friends might feel differently if Bat has actually made some progress.

15. Why does Gallows hope that he finds a wallet on the ground instead of finding loose money, as Alfy did?
(a) It would be easier to pretend to have dropped.
(b) It might lead to a reward from the owner.
(c) It would likely contain more money.
(d) It would be less work to pick up.

Short Answer Questions

1. In Westbourne Grove, when Pat refuses to let Syl touch her, what does Syl threaten to do?

2. What does Alfy do during the bus trip to Hamdon Court?

3. What does Poor offer his friends as a way to get back in their good graces?

4. When Bat shoos the men out of his apartment so that he and Syl can be alone with Pat, what does Gallows stay behind for?

5. When the group of friends gather one summer night at Bat's apartment, why is Harry absent?

(see the answer keys)

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